Cabo Verde News

Cabo Verde adopts WHO package of essential noncommunicable diseases interventions fo...

Cabo Verde is reinforcing its primary health care system implementing the World Health Organization (WHO) package of essential noncommunicable diseases interventions (WHO PEN). These package is going to help the country to improve efficiency and quality of care to control and reduce the impact of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The WHO PEN is an innovative and action-oriented set of cost-effective interventions that can be delivered to assure an acceptable quality of care, even in resource-limited settings.

Cabo Verde awarded for its engagement in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases...

In recognition of its health promotion commitment through the Healthy Cities initiative, the National Association of Cabo Verdean Municipalities was awarded a distinction for Outstanding Non-State Actors – a category including Non-Governmental Organizations, Universities and Philanthropy – from the United Nations Interagency Working Group for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases.

Cabo Verde bets on preparedness to face emergencies

Cabo Verde began the process of conducting its Joint External Evaluation (JEE) to assess its capacity to implement the International Health Regulations (IHR - 2005). This exercise will enable the identification of good practices and opportunities for continuous improvement aiming at strengthening the essential capacities needed for the country to face situations of public health risks and emergencies, based on the One Health approach.