Health analytical profile : Cameroon - 2016

Health analytical profile : Cameroon - 2016

Cameroon Health Profile combines the most recent validated data and information on populations health. The document includes an introduction, the methodological note and the following six chapters:

  1. Introduction to the context ;
  2. Health status and emerging trends ;
  3. (Overall progress in achieving Millennium Development Goals and the transition to Sustainable Development Goals;
  4. The health system, specifically the results of the system, governance, the health information system, as well as evidence and knowledge, research , health financing, provision of services, health human resources, medical products including vaccines, equipment and universal health coverage ;
  5. Specific health programs, as well as noncommunicable diseases and neglected tropical diseases ; and finally
  6. Determinants, including health risk factors, physical environment, food security and nutrition, and social aspects.