WPD 2015 Colorfully Commemorated at Addis Ababa Assembly Hall

WPD 2015 Colorfully Commemorated at Addis Ababa Assembly Hall

World Polio Day (WPD) was commemorated on 24 October 2015 at Addis Ababa National Assembly Hall in the presence of the Ethiopian Government, partners: WHO, UNICEF, USAID, and Rotary International and allies CCRDA/ CORE Group. This celebration inspired attendees and viewers to join the Polio eradication effort as Ethiopia is near the finish line: 2018. The commemoration, organized by Rotary International, WHO and UNICEF in collaboration with Addis Ababa Women, Children, Youth Affair Bureau (AAWCYAB) reflecting partners’ renewed commitment to “End Polio Now”, was attended by over 1,300 people.

“Today we commemorate the World Polio day having a polio-free status for the last 21 months; I congratulate to you all for this achievement,” said Dr Pierre M’pele-Kilebou, WHO Representative in Ethiopia, adding, “We are now very close to being certified a polio-free country, but we still need to continue working hard to sustain the gains made.”

Mrs. Liya Wondwossen, EPI Case Team Leader at the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) read the FMOH Statement on behalf of Dr Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health, stressing the the importance of celebrating World Polio Day as a symbolic day for creating community awareness and Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) high level advocacy. The State Minister’s message also highlighted that PEI is a global commitment which Ethiopia has included in its health policy.

Ato Mengistu Ashagre, representative of AAWCYAB also noted that the idea of celebrating WPD with AAWCYAP helps to strengthen the collaboration, and increase the awareness of women who play a great role in child vaccination as well as mobilizing the community towards achieving poliomyelitis eradication.

Past District Governor Dr. Tadesse Alemu, National Polio Plus Committee (NPPC) Chairperson, thanked the AAWCYAB for their collaboration in organizing this event. He added, “We commemorate this year’s WPD holding on to the exhausting struggle that we started 30 years ago with the belief that we would have a polio free world in 2018.”

Ms Macoura Uolare, Chief of Health of UNICEF Ethiopia, speaking on the occasion, acknowledged the great efforts made, the strong collaboration between the Government and partners and the results achieved in the battle against polio. She said, “I am proud that we all have interrupted the transmission of Wild Polio Virus in Ethiopia. Twenty one months have passed since Ethiopia became polio-free,” and called for continued collaboration and partnership among all concerned citing partnership as “a critical element of the successes achieved, and even more critical for achieving the desired results in the future.”

During the day, four individuals were recognized and awarded medals and certificates by Rotary for their active participation in the inception of the Ethiopian Polio Eradication Initiative some 20 years ago, and for leading the PEI in the early phase of the program, which is believed to be the basis for the present achievement of the eradication efforts.   The awardees were: Dr Tesfanesh Belay, Head of Family Health Department at FMoH, W/ro Hiwot Mengistu, Child Health Team Leader at FMoH, Dr Mekonnen Admassu, formerly an EPI Manager at the FMOH, and currently working with WHO as Immunization Consultant, and Ato Yohannes Gebre Tsadik, formerly a Communication Officer at UNICEF Ethiopia. which is currently named as IST 

To add flavor to the event, the WPD was also warmed up with a traditional music by a Konso traditional music band as well as various circus shows by ‘Addis Africa Circus Group. Finally, the honorable guests were served with a traditional coffee ceremony at the end of the occasion.

The presence of a traditional music band and circus shows as well as Ethiopian Coffee ceremony added color to the event.  As a symbol of the partnership and collaboration against Polio, Mr Dennis Weller, USAID Ethiopia Mission Director and Dr Piere Mpele, WHO Representative, took part in cutting the Ethiopian traditional bread (Diffo Dabo) cutting ceremony.


Every year, World Polio Day is commemorated on 24 October to raise awareness and to ultimately make the world polio-free. The World Polio Day was established by Rotary International over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. 

For more information, please contact

Dr. Mutale Mumba
Maternal and Child Health Team Leader
admassume [at] who.int" target="_blank">admassume [at] who.int


Selamawit Yilma
Communications Officer
yilmas [at] who.int

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