Ethiopia National Maternal Death Surveillance and Response System Annual Report

Ethiopia - National Maternal Death Surveillance and Response System Annual Report 2010 EFY

The national Maternal Death Surveillance and Response (MDSR) system has been implemented for the last five years nationwide. This is the first annual report to present trends in data since the 2006 Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) introduction of the system.

During the current 2010 EFY, the system captured 1302 maternal deaths with weekly notifications and 1010 maternal death case-based reports. Among case-based reports, 423 were reported via verbal autopsy and 454 via facility-based abstraction, and for 133 the data source was not known. This represents 10 % of maternal deaths captured by weekly notification and 8% captured by case-based reports, based on Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey 2016 GC estimates of maternal deaths throughout the country. Slightly fewer case-based reports were reviewed in 2010 EFY compared to 2009 EFY, possibly as a result of political events during the year, and therefore some late reports may still be submitted in future.