Gambia Launches Nationwide Mass Drug Administration Campaign Against NTDs

Gambia Launches Nationwide Mass Drug Administration Campaign Against NTDs

BANJUL, 21 March 2017 - The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) in collaboration with the World Health Organization Country Office (WCO) has begun a ten-day nationwide Mass Medicine Administration campaign (MMA) against two of the world’s known Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) – Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthisasis. WHO supported the training and provided the medicines required for this exercise.

At a recent joint press briefing to kick-start the process, both MoHSW and WCO underscored the rationale and importance of the exercise, describing it as an important step to breaking the chain of transmission of schistosomiasis and Social-transmitted helminths as public health concerns in the Gambia.  Whilst preventive treatment is critical, WHO and health authorities urged journalists to continue sensitizing the public on the importance of improved hygiene and sanitation as complementary approaches to eliminating worm infestation in the country. The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, an active partner in this collaborative effort, also expressed its readiness to support this initiative by ensuring that children going to school benefit from the campaign 

The campaign targets more than 202,179 individuals (children, adolescents and adults aged 2 – 14 years and above) living in 24 districts across the country.  However, the bulk (66%) of the target population for this exercise resides in the schisto-infested areas whilst the remaining 34% reside in areas known to be endemic with soil-transmitted helminths. At the end of the exercise a detailed report highlighting the success stories and lesson learnt will be developed which will be used to contextualize future MMAs.


Contacts: :  Mr. Momodou Gassama, Health Promotion Officer, gassamam [at]—(+220)- 4462286;  Mr. George. Williams, Health Information Assistant,   williamsg [at]—(+220) 4462284 


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