WHO staff participate in health walk in Accra Ghana

WHO staff participate in health walk in Accra Ghana

04 April 2014, Accra Ghana - On 7 April, 1948, the World Health Organization's Constitution came into force - a date now celebrated every year as World Health Day (WHD). It is the day that WHO was established. This year, the World Health will focus on ways to halt the rise of diabetes worldwide.

As a way to "stay super “and "beat diabetes", WHO in in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service and the Diabetes Association of Ghana organized health walk on Saturday 02 April 2016 a head of the WHD celebrations to be held on 7 April 2016.

Dr Owen Kaluwa, WHO Representative for Ghana and some WHO staff joined the community in Ghana in the health walk meant to encourage Ghanaians to regularly engage in physical activity as one of the ways to "beat diabetes"


For more information, please contact:

AJELLO Pauline Loyce, Email: ajellopa [at] who.int" target="_blank">ajellopa [at] who.int

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