Kenya Commemorates World No-Tobacco Day

Kenya Commemorates World No-Tobacco Day

Ministry of Health And Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development Issue a Joint Press Statement on Rift Valley Fever Outbreak.

Nairobi, 15 January 2007 -- The Director of Medical Services, Dr. James Nyikal and the Director of Veterinary Services Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, Dr. Joseph Musaa addressed a major Press Conference to provide update on the Rift Valley Fever outbreak in the country since it was confirmed on 21 st December 2006.

The joint Press statement pointed out the immediate measures the Government of Kenya has taken to control the disease outbreak and minimize its effect in both humans and animals in the 7 districts that had confirmed cases of Rift Valley Fever. The districts affected so far are Garissa, Ijara and Wajir in North Eastern Province; and Kilifi, Tana River, Malindi and Taita Taveta in Coast Province. Initially health facilities were receiving 15 cases per day, but this has dropped to less than 5 cases per day in the country. It was noted that over the last one week only 5 new cases have been confirmed. As of today 15 th January 2007 a total of 248 cases and 95 deaths have been reported from the affected districts. It was reported Garissa had the highest number of cases (132) followed by Ijara (58 cases), and that the majority of the deaths were from patients who sought care late. Twenty-one districts in the country are at risk if the disease is not controlled.

The Government thanked the local and international partners who were mobilized and came in to control the disease. They include WHO, FAO, UNICEF, CDC, MSF France, Belgium, Spain, and Kenya Red Cross among others. The Director of Medical Services acknowledged the technical and financial support WHO, CDC and CIDA provided towards the surveillance that enabled the detection of the cases in the 7 districts. The Government has so far spent 350 million Kenya shillings to fund various disease control activities in both humans and animals.

The WHO Representative, Dr. David Okello reassured Kenya that WHO would continue to support the process since WHO's role is to provide support to the country. Dr. Okello added that WHO had mobilized the best experts who are currently in the field to support the country contain the outbreak. Two of the WHO experts attended the Press Conference.

The Government emphasized preventive measures necessary to avoid being infected with Rift Valley Fever especially those living in areas with confirmed outbreak of the disease. The Government further assured Kenyans that all the necessary steps for the control of Rift Valley Fever had been put in place and there was no cause for alarm.

For more information, please contact:

Office of the WHO Representative for Kenya

ACK Garden House Building

P.O.Box 45335-00100 G.P.O.

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: (254-020) 2717902, 2718255

Fax: (254-020) 2719141, 2719142

GPN NO: 35000


Email:wrkenya [at]" target="_blank">wrkenya [at]