Kenya embarks on new approach to prioritize future TB actions

The Ministry of Health, Kenya, has embarked on a new, robust approach to evaluate evidence for informing the next National Strategic Plan on Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lung Health (2019-2023). A workshop, convened from April 17- 19 2017, reviewed consolidated national data and incorporated the extensive evidence base of critical studies and surveys on the TB situation. This was done to identify root causes of the epidemic, establish priorities and map out future actions.

Let us END Tuberculosis

Kenya joined the world on March 24 to commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day and to raise and build public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB. The day was also used to step up efforts to end the TB epidemic. The day provides a platform to shine the spotlight on the disease and mobilise social and political commitment to accelerate efforts to end TB.

WHO supports Ministry of Health to contain Chikungunya Outbreak

January 17, 2018: World Health Organization, WHO, is helping the government to contain an outbreak of Chikungunya in Mombasa following reports from clinicians of increased unknown febrile illness that presented with very high fever, joint pains and general body weakness. The tests were found malaria negative and sometimes dengue fever negative.
The outbreak has affected all the six-sub counties namely, Mvita, Kisauni, Nyali, Changamwe, Jomvu and Likoni. Most cases are found on the island, Mvita.

WHO supports Ministry of Health to contain Chikungunya outbreak

January 17, 2018: World Health Organization, WHO, is helping the government to contain an outbreak of Chikungunya in Mombasa following reports from clinicians of increased unknown febrile illness that presented with very high fever, joint pains and general body weakness. The tests were found malaria negative and sometimes dengue fever negative.
The outbreak has affected all the six-sub counties namely, Mvita, Kisauni, Nyali, Changamwe, Jomvu and Likoni. Most cases are found on the island, Mvita.

Kenya meets Guinea Worm Free Certification Criteria

Monday, Dec 18, 2017
Kenya has met the criteria for Guinea worm free certification status, following a comprehensive evaluation in the country in the last two weeks by the International Certification Team (ICT). 
The team for evaluating the status of Guinea Worm Disease found no evidence of Guinea Worm transmission in the last three years, in the presence of adequate surveillance and follow- up of rumours of the disease, putting the country on track to the Guinea Worm-free certification status.

Kenya’s chance for Guinea Worm FREE status

December 1, 2017                                                              
Kenya may be certified Guinea Worm free if the country meets the requirements set by the International Commission for the Certification of Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm) Eradication (ICCDE).