Liberia launches the distribution of 2.8 Million Insecticide Treated Nets to mark the commemoration of World Malaria Day.

Liberia launches the distribution of 2.8 Million Insecticide Treated Nets to mark the commemoration of World Malaria Day.

Monrovia, 28 April, 2015 - The Ministry of Health (MOH) / National Malaria Control Program in collaboration with its partners on Saturday, 25th April, 2015 commemorated World Malaria Day 2015 and launched the distribution of 2.8 Million Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets. The commemorative event was held in Monrovia at the City Hall.

In a statement made to mark the World Malaria Day which falls under the theme “Invest in the Future: Defeat Malaria’, the Minister of Foreign affairs, Mr. Augustine Ngafuan stated that malaria remained a serious health challenge in the country and re-echoed the call for a renewal of the global commitment towards the eradication of malaria and pointed out the fact that significant gains had been made in controlling the disease. The notable achievements in malaria control cited by Minister Ngafuan included: reduction of the prevalence of Malaria by 50% since 2010,   extended access to prompt and effective treatment by providing curative at health facilities and pharmaceutical outlets in hard to reach communities, reduced percentage of Malaria cases that progress into complications from 10% - 5%, extended diagnostic coverage from 60% in 2010 to close to 90% in 2013, suspending of the tariff on all anti-malaria commodities that come in the country and instituting a ban on the importation of mono therapies.

In directing his message to fellow Liberians, the minister emphasized that  “‘If we can strive to improve the utilization of the bed nets, we will be improving our indicator for Malaria. We want to encourage every Liberian to take cover under the nets. Protect yourselves and your families against malaria and stay healthy because a healthy nation is a prosperous nation”

Despite the gains made, the Minister of Health designate, Dr. Bernice Dahn in her remarks expressed the importance of a ‘renewed commitment from government and partners to achieve the WHO target set by 2030.

At the same event, the WHO Representative in Liberia, Dr. Alex Gasasira read the statement of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti. In her statement the Regional Director noted that limited access to and under-utilization of available malaria intervention within countries were the major causes of excessively high burdens of malaria cases and deaths in the region. She stated that Malaria can be prevented or controlled through the use of LLINs, in door residual spraying (IRS), preventive therapies for pregnant women, children and under five and infants as well as quality –assured diagnostic testing and treatment.

The UN family in Liberia and stated that the Launch of 2.8 Million distribution of bed nets in Liberian households therefore is a laudable initiative.

The Country Director for Plan International Liberia in his statement, reminded all partners of their ‘collective roles and responsibilities to a successful distribution of bed nets in the various counties’. The Representative of Roll Back Malaria, Mr. Rwagacondo re-echoed the need to meet malaria control targets. “We must not forget the unmet targets of the MDGs and that ‘we must target hard to reach those that have been missed especially children under five and women who do not receive adequate services” He said.

The U.S Ambassador to Liberia, Ms Deborah Malac stated that the launch of the distribution of the insecticide treated nets was a momentous because bed nets interrupt the transmission of Malaria and that the  initiative would help meet the WHO recommendations of one net per every 1, 8 persons. The ambassador also called for collective efforts in malaria control as was the case during the height of the Ebola Virus Disease epidemic. She urged all Liberians and their communities join in malaria control efforts in order to conquer malaria and reduce its impact.

Dr. Bernice Dahn, The Minister of Health Designate paid tribute to the late Dr. Joel J. Jones, former Program Manager of the National Malaria Control Program. Dr. Jones, whose funeral took place on 25th April, 2015 was remembered for the numerous gains which were made by the malaria control programe under his leadership and his contribution to global and regional efforts in malaria control. A moment of silence was observed and his deep technical knowledge, vision, passion and dedication to set standards for all malaria programs in the fight against malaria in Liberia was duly noted.

Key partners also expressed in their good will messages to fight this disease. 


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Eric Johnson, Health Economist
Email: johnsone [at]" target="_blank">johnsone [at]
Tel.: +231 886516803


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