Liberia Reinforces Health Promotion Post-Ebola

Liberia Reinforces Health Promotion Post-Ebola

Monrovia, 5 November 2015: Learning from the lessons from the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Liberia, the Ministry of Health intends to reinforce health promotion in all parts of the country as part of the investment plan for building a resilient health system. In this regard, a meeting was held to validate a draft National Policy and Strategic Plan on Health Promotion, November 3-4, 2015 in Monrovia. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Health (MOH) with support from WHO Country Office, Liberia and AFRO.

Speaking at the opening, Mrs. Yah Zolia, the Deputy Minister of Health for Planning and Research expressed her appreciation to WHO and partners for the continued support. She noted that most health conditions in Liberia are preventable through health promotion strategies.  Citing a famous quote by Dr Nestor Ndayimirije (former WHO Representative): “Health is made at home, and only repaired in the health facilities when it breaks down”, Deputy Minister Zolia explained that health begins in the households, and individuals as well as communities must be equipped with the knowledge and skills they require to take responsibility for their health and well being. She noted the impact of hand washing during the EVD outbreak in reducing the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases in the country. Mrs. Zolia reiterated that health promotion has been fully embraced and embodied in the MOH strategic policy and plan, thus providing a conducive platform for implementation.

Dr. Emmanuel Musa, WHO Deputy Representative, noted that the EVD outbreak revealed important lessons of community engagement and health promotion in health care delivery. He stated that the review of the health promotion policy and strategic plan provides a unique opportunity to further empower the communities and influence positive health outcomes. Dr. Musa congratulated MOH for the good work and pledged WHO’s continued support in advancing health promotion in Liberia.

As part of the recommendations from the meeting, a technical group was constituted to work over a period of two weeks to incorporate changes and finalize the two documents. The final versions will be circulated for further inputs by the stakeholders before being subjected to approvals by the MOH and WHO.

Rev. John Sumo, Director Health Promotion, MOH in his closing remarks appreciated the contributions of all partners and noted that MOH will ensure that the policy and strategic plan are finalized and operationalized to promote the health and well-being of all and advance the socio-economic development of the country.

USAID, Crusaders for Peace and Inter-Faith Religious Council, Liberia offered goodwill messages. Other key partners who participated in the validation meeting include other line ministries/departments, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), UNICEF, other local and international NGOs.


For more details, please contact:

Technical: Luwaga Liliane, Email: luwagal [at] ( )




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