Ministry of Health and Partners Validate Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia

Ministry of Health and Partners Validate Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia

Monrovia, 10 April, 2015 - Following years of a catastrophic civil war, the Government of Liberia, along with partners put in place a number of initiatives for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the health sector that was completely ravished. Paramount among these efforts was the development of a ten year National Health and Social Welfare Policy and Plan along with an essential package of health services.

Through these efforts, a number of gains were made in the health sector including the attainment of MDG 4 and improvement in access to health and social services from 40% - 80%, among others.

Unfortunately, in March 2014, the country experienced the outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) which caused the near collapse of the country‘s health system. During the past ten months the government in collaboration with partners exerted every effort in containing the outbreak.  Building on this effort it became necessary to jump start the health system to restore basic health services to the population.  As a result the Ministry constituted a technical committee comprising Ministry thematic teams and development and implementing partners to put in place the appropriate framework for the restoration of the health sector.  With this mandate two essential tasks were undertaken; the conduct of an assessment on the impact of Ebola on the health system, and the development of an investment plan entitled “ Building a Resilient Health System” in Liberia.

To ensure maximum participation and a broader view on the investment plan a three day validation workshop was organized in Monrovia and hosted by the Ministry of health.  The workshop brought together over 250 participants, including county health officers, development and implementing partners, civil society organizations, county superintendents, sectorial ministries, the Chair of the Senate Health Committee and Chair of the Health Committee of the House of Representatives, among others.  The objectives of the validation workshop were to: (1) review and validate the health system assessment report, (2) review and refine the critical investment areas for rebuilding a resilient health system, and (3) build consensus on the investment plan. The investment plan has nine areas considered critical and essential for restoration of the health system estimated at USD 1.52 billion dollars; with available resources totaling USD 700.3 million dollars and a funding gap of USD 818.4 million.

The validation workshop was formally opened by the Minister of Health, Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale. In his remarks, the minister expressed thanks and appreciation to all partners for their support to the government in re-building the Liberian health system.  Also, making remarks, Dr. Alex Gasasira, WHO Representative assured the Minister of WHO and the UN family commitment to collaborate with the government in building a resilient health system for the country.  He further indicated that WHO and the UN family will exert every effort to ensure that the investment plan is fully implemented.

Following three days of deliberation the investment plan was validated and endorsed, and will be presented by the President of Liberia at a pledging (Donor) conference in Washington, DC, from 17-19 April, 2015 spear headed by the World Bank.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Eric Johnson, Health Economist
Email: johnsone [at]" target="_blank">  johnsone [at]

Tel: +231 886516803


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