WHO Donates Vehicles to Ministry of Health to Enhance Mobility and Outreach

WHO Donates Vehicles to Ministry of Health to Enhance Mobility and Outreach

Monrovia, 10 April 2015 - During the past fifteen years, Liberia has gone through three complex emergencies, two civil wars and currently the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak.  These emergencies disrupted the country’s economy and caused the near collapse of the health sector.   The Government and partners have initiated a number of measures to rehabilitate and reconstruct the country and in particular to restore access to basic health services. 

In support of these efforts, the WHO Country Representative, Dr. Alex Gasasira, on 7th April, 2015 donated 15 vehicles to the Ministry of Health at a brief handover ceremony held at the SKD stadium logistics Hub in Monrovia. Dr. Gasasira formally presented the keys of the vehicle to the Deputy Minister Hon Mathew Flomo.  He asserted that the vehicles were appropriately built and have the capability to traverse all road conditions thus enabling the Ministry of Health to reach out to communities in all parts of the country especially the hard to reach areas.  He also reechoed that WHO and other development partners’ commitment to support Government in its development initiatives especially restoration of basic health services and improving access to these services by the population. In conclusion, Dr. Gasasira indicated that the vehicles were made possible by a generous contribution worth 300,000 Euros from the Japanese Government. 

Receiving the vehicles, the Hon Mathew T. K. Flomo, Deputy Minister of Health for Administration, expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Government and the Ministry of Health and requested the WHO to convey the Ministry’s gratitude to the Government and people of Japan.  Minister Flomo indicated that the donation of vehicles was indeed timely and they would help the Ministry address some of its transportation and logistical needs. Also he pledged government commitment to ensure that the vehicles will be utilized for the intended purpose, and that Ministry will put in place appropriate mechanisms to ensure that the vehicles are well maintained. The vehicles were formally turned over by Hon Flomo to the Director of Transport, and instructed him to appropriately deploy the vehicles and ensure that the use of the vehicles is monitored and they are properly maintained.

Also witnessing the hand over was the World Food Program Deputy Chief of Common Services, Mr Abdullah Zaman.  In his brief remarks, Mr Zaman expressed his delight for such an occasion and indicated that the gains made thus far in containing the EVD outbreak in the country were remarkable, and that the donation of the vehicles will indeed prop government efforts.  He expressed his agency’s continued commitment to support the Government in collaboration with WHO and other partners.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Eric Johnson, Health Economist
Email: johnsone [at] who.int" target="_blank">  johnsone [at] who.int

Tel: +231 886516803


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