WHO Malawi commemorates 2016 World TB Day: “UNITE TO END TB”

WHO Malawi commemorates 2016 World TB Day: “UNITE TO END TB”

On 24 March 2016, Malawi joined the rest of the world in commemorating 2016 World TB Day whose theme is ‘Unite to End TB.’ The national launch took place on 24 March at Manica ground, in Balaka. Speaking to the audience the Honorable Minister of Health and guest of honor, Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP, acknowledged receipt of financial support from Global Fund. “We know that TB is a major public health problem but it is inexcusable that anyone should die of TB today because we know that it can be detected and cured for less than $100. The resources are now available. Let us step up efforts to make our nation TB free” the Minister said.

Also present at the function were Dr Eugene Nyarko, World Health Organization Representative (WR), Dr James Mpunga, Programme Manager, National TB Control Programme and Mr Rodrick Mateauma, District Commissioner for Balaka and Traditional Authority Nsamala and village headmen.

The commemoration ceremony was accentuated with a big walk from the District Commissioner’s Office amid TB songs by traditional dancers and school children carrying placards with tuberculosis messages. 

In his speech, the World Health Organization Representative Dr Eugene Nyarko stated that in the African Region, tuberculosis was still a major public health problem. He pointed out that of the 30 TB high burden countries in the world, sixteen (16) are in Africa. The Region also has the highest TB and TB/HIV co-infection rates in the world while drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) poses a serious challenge, especially the prohibitive cost of treatment and lack of adequate laboratory capacity to detect it. Although most countries in the African Region are observing a declining trend in case notifications, results of prevalence surveys recently conducted in these countries indicate a higher burden of disease than previously estimated.

He further advised that as we commemorate as World TB Day, the key take home message is that we should reach, treat and cure all patients, especially the vulnerable groups which include children and women, people living with HIV, people with diabetes, refugees, miners and ex-miners, prisoners and drug users whose access to basic health care services may be limited.

Dr Nyarko commended the government of Malawi for some notable achievements which include among others, the attainment of 86% treatment success rate among new smear positive TB cases, the ongoing decentralization of TB registration and microscopy sites currently at 251 and 276 respectively and the declining TB/HIV co-infection rate from 77% in 2000 to the current 56%.

The WHO Representative, however, also flagged areas requiring urgent attention such as, firstly, improved case detection through active case finding, secondly, increased utilization of the Genexpert technology through awareness creation among health care workers, use of less restrictive algorithms and implementation of innovative and robust sample transportation systems, thirdly, establishment of isolation facilities for drug resistant TB and other infectious diseases and lastly ensuring that all identified drug resistant TB cases are initiated on treatment. 

Two days earlier the ministry in collaboration with the World Health Organization conducted a panel discussion which was broadcast live at 1500 hours on the national radio, Malawi Broadcasting Corporation and the public phoned in to get clarification of TB issues in Malawi. The panelists were Dr Daniel Nyangulu, the National Tb Advisor, Dr James Mpunga, National TB Programme Manager and Mr Ishmael Nyasulu, TB/HIV National Professional Officer, World Health Organization.


For more information, please contact:

Wenji Hudson Kubwalo, Office: +2651772755/450, Mobile: +265888878011, Email:  wenjikubwalo [at] gmail.com



01. A panel of TB professionals presented TB facts and clarified TB issues during a live phone-in program on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation, radio 1

02. Dr Eugene Nyarko, speaking to reporters after World TB Day commemoration at Manica ground in Balaka.jpg

03. Honorable Minister of Health Dr Peter Kumpalume speaking to reporters after the 2016 World Health Day commemoration

04. Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP, viewing nutrition displays for TB patients

05. TB messages were disseminated through songs and dance during the 2016 World TB Day commemoration

06. School children carrying TB placards at 2016 World TB Day

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