Mozambique News

Acting WHO Representative meets with the delegation to the 64th session of the Afric...

Maputo, 28 October 2014- The Acting WHO  Country Representative for Mozambique, Dr. Ambrose Disadidi, met on  Monday-  with the Mozambican delegation to the 64th Session of the WHO Regional Committee (RC 64)  for Africa to take place in Cotonou, Republic of Benin from 3rd to 7th  November 2014. The Acting WHO representative was accompanied by Program Officers from the WHO country Office.

The First Joint Assessment of Mozambique's Strategic PESS 2013-2017

The Ministry of Health in Mozambique is currently finalising its Health Sector Strategic Plan (Plano Estratégico do Sector Saúde - PESS 2013-2017). 

The PESS is a comprehensive plan, which incorporates and prioritises all areas of the health sector. It aims at guiding the health sector in the most beneficial direction to achieve established goals. 

Participate in the Traditional Medicine Day on 31 August

On August 31, Mozambique celebrates the 13th African Traditional Medicine Day on Praça dos Héroes in Inhambane, at 8 AM. Regulation of Traditional Health Practitioners in the African Region is the theme this year, organized by the Institute for Traditional Medicine with support from WHO.

WHO Representative meets with the cop 6 Mozambican delegates

Maputo, 09 October 2014- The Acting WHO Representative , Dr. Jacob Mufunda, met on  the  7th  October 2014 with the Mozambican delegates to the 6th Conference of the Parties (COP6) to the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco  Control (FCTC) to be held in Moscow, Russia, from the 14th  to the 18th  October 2014.

A bigger killer than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined

Maputo 31 May 2013 - The sun is setting over the city of Maputo. Shops are closing and the roads that were bustling just an hour earlier are now quiet and almost empty. Though most people are on their way home, security guard Lucas Jaime has most of his working day ahead of him. Next to him on a small table in front of the tall building where he works are a pack of cigarettes and a set of matches.

Academics and experts discuss public health in Mozambique

Maputo, October 6, 2014 - Experts, academics, senior staff  from the Government and partners in the health sector recently participated in Maputo, in the 1st National Meeting of Public Health to analyze the situation of Public Health in Mozambique and define actions to improve health status of populations. 

Launch of the Pneumococcal Vaccine PCV-10

Maputo 10 April 2013 - The Mozambican Ministry of Health, introduced on 10 April 2013 the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 10 (PCV-10) into the national immunization program. The launch of the PCV-10 took place in Boane District and was chaired by the Minister of Health, Dr. Alexandre Manguele, who also gave the first vaccine.

The introduction of the PCV-10 was organized collaboration with the WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, USAID, Save the Children, VillageReach, Fundação para Desenvolvimento da Comunidade (FDC), and other partners.

Reducing Maternal Mortality: Stories from the field, Zambezia, Mozambique, 24 March ...

The road to Milange health centre is dry and dusty. The heavy rain falls in the beginning of the year in Zambezia province are a distant memory and Milange has not seen rains for days now. Chief maternal and child health nurse, Maria Florinda, and her assistant have most of their working day behind them. They have just assisted Elisa Uasone in the birth of a baby boy.  Now they are filling out the last details of today’s register in the quiet maternity ward.