Cyclone Idai Mozambique Situation Report

Tropical Cyclone Idai Mozambique Situation Report 4

The risk of communicable diseases remains of humanitarian concern with major health risks including cholera, acute watery diarrhoea (AWD), bloody diarrhoea, malaria, dengue and other water borne diseases. Since the declaration of the cholera outbreak on 27 March in four districts (Beira, Buzi, Dondo and Nhamatanda) of Sofala Province, 6,682 cases and 8 deaths were reported as of 25 April (case fatality rate: 0.1%). However, the number of new reported cholera cases in Sofala Province continues to decline: from 24 April to 25 April 7:00 am, 27 new cases of cholera were reported, down from more than 400 cases reported daily during the peak of the outbreak.