National Situation Report 4 Cover

Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Mozambique - National Situation Report 4

Key Highlights

Cyclone Idai
•    There is an urgent need for the construction of health facilities in districts that already had few facilities and are now hosting resettled families.
•    6 accommodation centres remain in Sofala province sheltering 1 146 families (4 514 people). Health Services provision remains challenging in hard to reach areas with limited access to essential care at the resettlement sites.
•    The number of reported cholera cases remained low, with sporadic cases reported in all affected districts. The number of cumulative cases is up to 6 766.
•    Malaria cases in Sofala continue to rise, with a cumulative 43 556 cases registered as of 28 May, with most cases being reported in Nhamatanda (19 959).
•    The International Pledging Conference took place 31 May-1 June with high-level donor and partner representation. The basis for the pledges was the Post Disaster Needs Assessment which estimates Mozambique health needs to be 202,420,900 million USD for the post-cyclone reconstruction.

Cyclone Kenneth
•    From May 27th to 29th COSACA provided training on cholera case management in Pemba with the participation of nurses from prioritized districts participated in the training in Pemba.
•    19 health facilities have been either partially or totally destroyed.
•    An outbreak of cholera was confirmed on 1st May 2019 in Pemba and Mecúfi and on 08 May in Metuge districts of Cabo Delgado Province. From 27 March to 28 May 2019, 254 cumulative cases and no deaths were reported in these districts.
•    As of May 28, 10,765 malaria cases have been reported in Pemba, Macomia, Metuge and Mecúfi.