Media Alert: Namibia Commemorates Healthy Lifestyles Day for the First Time

Media Alert: Namibia Commemorates Healthy Lifestyles Day for the First Time

Windhoek, 25 February 2011 --  The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners will commemorate for the first time Healthy Lifestyle’s Day on 25 February 2011, with the theme “Take a Step Closer to your Health, Get a Health Check-Up,” at Government Office Park in Windhoek from 08H00 to 17H00.

This event comes in response to an increasing trend of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, heart-disease and chronic respiratory diseases (e.g. asthma), largely brought on by poor lifestyles. Evidence shows that tobacco use is increasing. The Namibia Demographic and Health Survey 2000 (NDHS) shows tobacco use is most common in Hardap, Karas and Omaheke regions. Among those interviewed, 28.7% living in urban areas and 9.9% in rural areas, smoke cigarettes or pipes. There is also evidence of an increasing trend in overweight and obesity. According to the 2006/07 NDHS, among women aged 15-49 years that gave birth in the previous five years, 28% were overweight with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of >25. The obese proportion with BMI index of >30 was 12.0%. Normal values of BMI range between 18-24. Obesity is linked to cardiovascular diseases as well as increases the risk of diabetes. In Namibia, NCDs ranks among the top 10 diseases and among the top 15 in-patient causes of deaths. Another issue is the harmful use of alcohol which is associated with a variety of problems in society, such as the risk of HIV infection.

In keeping with the theme, the MoHSS will hold an Open Day where free health testing and information on how to lead a healthy lifestyle will be available for members of the public. Minister of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) Dr Richard Nchabi Kamwi says, “Through Healthy Lifestyles Day, we aim to increase the public’s knowledge about how to prevent NCDs by following a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy diet, physical exercise and stress management. We will be providing free health tests for cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI). These tests will enable the public to know how healthy they are and what steps can be taken to improve their health. By knowing your health status, you are empowered to take action to improve and prevent NCDs.” In addition, the Cancer Association of Namibia, MedHealth, Social Services and the Peace Centre among others will have information stalls for the public to get information about how to prevent, control and treat lifestyles diseases.

The private sector is also challenged to host a Healthy Lifestyles Day for their employees from 28 February – 11 March 2011. Suggested activities include: talks on HIV/AIDS, nutrition, provision of testing for cholesterol, diabetes, Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements, to determine the risk of heart disease. By participating in this challenge, companies can directly improve productivity and improve employee morale. Participating companies taking up this challenge are requested to inform the MoHSS in writing, indicating the type of events planned or held, number of employees that participated and the outcome. Suggestions about how the MoHSS and its partners can contribute to further improve healthy lifestyles in the workplace and beyond are welcome. Letters must be directed to Senior Programme Health Administrator for Non-Communicable Diseases, Ms Charlotte Buys via fax to +264 61 203 2733 or email: cbuys [at]
Healthy Lifestyles Day was first launched by the Chairperson of the SADC Ministers of Health in South Africa on 26-27 February 2010 under the theme, “Walking for a Healthy Heart”. The decision to commemorate Africa Healthy Lifestyles Day was adopted by the African Union (AU) Executive Council in July 2008 and adopted by the SADC Ministers of Health as SADC Healthy Lifestyles Day. This day was also adopted in the framework of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) strategy for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases. Namibia followed as a Member State and also launched Healthy Lifestyles Day on 17th November 2010 in Windhoek. At present the MoHSS with technical guidance from the WHO is developing a National Policy on Health Promotion to address the underlying factors causing NCDs.

Issued by: Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) & The World Health Organization (WHO)

For more details, contact:

MoHSS: Public Relations Officer: Ms Gladys Kamboo – email - gkamboo [at] , Ph +26461-203-2054 /+264-81-216-1330

WHO: Communications & Advocacy Officer: Michelle Thulkanam – email - thulkanamm [at], Ph- +26461-255-191/+264-81-423-0556

PDF version of the Media Alert - Namibia Commemorates Healthy Lifestyles Day for the First Time