Namibia Extra-ordinary NAEC meeting to consult on WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS

Namibia Extra-ordinary NAEC meeting to consult on WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS

Namibia Extra-ordinary National AIDS Executive Committee (NAEC) meeting to consult on WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS

Windhoek, 15 September 2010 -- The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will be hosting a National AIDS Executive Committee (NAEC) Extra-ordinary Stakeholder Consultation meeting to gather Namibia’s input into WHO Global HIV/AIDS Strategy. The meeting will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, 15 September 2010 Time: 08H00 – 13H00 Venue: Safari Court Hotel, Omataku Room 4, Windhoek

This momentous meeting is being held as this year marks the end of the current WHO HIV/AIDS Universal Access Plan, which covered the period 2006-2010. At the 63rd Session of the World Health Assembly held in May 2010, Ministers of Health from around the world requested the WHO Director-General via Resolution WHA63.19, to develop a Global WHO HIV/AIDS strategy for 2011-2015. This strategy would be developed through a broad consultative process at global, regional, sub-regional and country levels thereby ensuring a more comprehensive and accelerated response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Ahead of the consultation, Honourable Minister of MoHSS, Dr Richard Nchabi Kamwi, who will open the consultations tomorrow, said, “I commend the WHO Director-General for hearing and being responsive to the outcomes of this year’s World Health Assembly meeting and agreeing to host consultations to develop this Strategy for 2011-2015. The NAEC meeting is called as part of WHO’s endeavour to have a wider consultation among the key stakeholders in Namibia. NAEC is well suited as it has a broad representation of key constituencies in the fight against HIV/AIDS in this country. I am appealing to all stakeholders to review the draft Strategy and provide inputs to make this important guiding document relevant to Namibia in addressing the major challenges we are currently facing”.

WHO Representative to Namibia, Dr Magda Robalo elaborated further about the aims of the consultative meeting saying, “In response to this call for action, WHO and the MoHSS will be holding this consultative meeting to ensure that Namibia’s needs are incorporated into the draft WHO Global Health Sector Strategy. This Strategy will set global goals for the health sector; guide countries national HIV responses and prioritization of HIV and broader health investments as well as provide a framework for concerted WHO actions at country level. These consultations will ensure that the concerns and needs of Namibia and its citizens infected and affected by HIV/AIDS are taken into account in responding to the HIV pandemic”.

Along with those from other countries, Namibia’s input to this Global HIV/AIDS Strategy will be further discussed at various global consultations prior to it being presented for endorsement at the next World Health Assembly meeting in May 2011. These planned major consultations will take place as follows:

October 2010 - Consultation with Development Partners, The Hague, Netherlands
17-22 January 2011 - 128th WHO Executive Board, Geneva Switzerland
16-20 May 2011 - Sixty-fourth Session of WHO World Health Assembly, Geneva Switzerland
In Namibia, it is estimated that close to 18% of the population are infected with HIV/AIDS. According to the 2009 AIDS update released by UNAIDS and WHO, although important progress has been achieved in preventing new HIV infections and in lowering the annual number of AIDS related deaths, the number of people living with HIV continues to increase. AIDS-related illnesses remain one of the leading causes of death globally and are projected to continue as a significant global cause of premature mortality in the coming decades (World Health Organization, 2008).

Issued by: Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) & The World Health Organization (WHO)

For more details, contact:

MoHSS: Public Relations Officer: Ms Gladys Kamboo – email - gkamboo [at] , Ph +26461-203-2054 /+264-81-216-1330

WHO: Communications & Advocacy Officer: Michelle Thulkanam – email - thulkanamm [at], Ph- +26461-255-191/+264-81-423-0556