Nigeria conducts Polio Transition Simulation Exercise

Nigeria conducts Polio Transition Simulation Exercise

3 October 2016 - Polio transition planning simulation exercise was conducted in Abuja on 27-28 September, 2016. The exercise reviewed output of polio asset mapping, especially personnel across ten polio programme main functional areas.

Data collated from asset mapping enabled participants from government and partners to conduct an assessment of the impact of absence of Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) funds will have on maintaining polio-free Nigeria after stopping transmission in line with government priorities. The exercise also suggested appropriate strategies for transiting the polio assets and knowledge to address other health challenges in Nigeria.

Delivering a keynote address at the workshop, the acting Executive Director of National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Dr Emmanuel Odu, stated that NPHCDA is providing required leadership by setting up polio legacy governance structure/National Legacy committees which have facilitated the mapping of assets, simulation exercises and development of a business case.

Speaking on behalf of World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Sisay Gashu Tegene expressed appreciation to the government of Nigeria for prioritizing transition planning in spite of the ongoing polio outbreak in Borno State.

He further reiterated the importance of the workshop stating that “the workshop will identify appropriate transition capabilities and processes that will support other health priorities so as to ensure sustainability of experience of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative”.

Representing the Northern Traditional Leaders Council (NTLC) at the simulation exercise, the Emir of Jiwa, Alhaji Idris Musa called for a systematic transition that will ensure the activities of the traditional leaders in polio eradication are marked in the history books of polio eradication.

For over 25 years, the global polio eradication programme has mobilized and trained millions of volunteers, social mobilizers, and health workers; accessed households unreached by other health initiatives; mapped and brought health interventions to chronically neglected communities. With few countries having transmission of polio virus, there is the need to take stock of these assets to ensure that the investments made in polio eradication contribute to future health goals after polio is eradicated.

With the completion of the simulation exercise which involved participants from the World Health Organisation, Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank, UNICEF, IVAC, N-STOP, DFID/MNCH2, USAID, CDC (US), Global Affairs Canada, EU-SIGN, JICA, CHAI, Core Group, Solina Group, State Primary Care Board (Ondo, Rivers, Anambra, Kano, Benue and FCT) and Polio Laboratories,  the country is now set to develop a business case that will take into consideration, the cost of executing a polio transition plan and using the plan to advocate to government and partners to support priority health interventions.

Nigeria polio legacy transition planning activities are funded by Global Affairs Canada through the WHO. 

Nigeria Polio Legacy activities are funded by Global Affairs Canada through the WHO.

*Updated 04/10/2016


For further information, please contact:
Technical contacts
Dr Fiona Braka; Tel: +234 703 170 5252; Email: brakaf [at]  "> brakaf [at]   
Dr Terna Nomwhanghe; Tel: 234 803 787 1806; Email: nomwhanget [at] "> nomwhanget [at]

Media contacts
Ms Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email: warigonc [at]  "> warigonc [at]   
Ms Kulchumi Hammanyero; Tel: +234 803 632 7360; Email: hammanyerok [at] "> hammanyerok [at] "> nomwhanget [at] "> nomwhanget [at]

01 Participants at the polio transition simulation exercise held in Abuja, Nigeria

02 The acting ED NPHCDA Dr Emmanuel Odu delivering a speech during the simulation exercises

03 Emir of Jiwa Alhaji Idris speaking at the opening ceremony

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