Stakeholders validate National Strategic Health Development Plan for cohesive implementation framework

Stakeholders validate National Strategic Health Development Plan for cohesive implementation framework

Abuja, 18 May 2017 - This week, stakeholders converged in Abuja from 15-16 May, 2017 to validate Nigeria’s draft National Strategic Health Development Plan Framework II (NSHDP II). The framework will guide government at both states and federal levels to develop specific plans that will feed into the overall Health Strategic Plan.

The Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, in his address encouraged states to develop state-specific plans using NSHDP II framework as a guide to achieve coherence between local operational plans and the national strategic plan.

“For the NSHDP II to be effective, it must be linked to sub-national operational plans, at the state or local government level”, Professor Adewole emphasized.

The NSHDP II framework founded on the eight  pillars of the health system, links health service delivery with system strengthening which include: Leadership and Governance for Health; Health Service Delivery; Human Resources for Health; Financing for Health; National Health Management Information System; Partnerships for Health; Community Participation and Ownership; and Research for Health. 

World Health Organization (WHO) actively supported the validation of NSHDP II framework, as part of the larger process that aims to align country priorities with the real health needs of the population so that people across the country will have access to quality health care, and live longer, healthier lives.  It will also generate buy-in across different tiers of government, health and development partners, civil society and the private sector in order to optimize the utilization of available resources for health.

However, Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu the WHO country Representative to Nigeria, reminded participants at the workshop that the implementation of the NSHDP II will require ownership, oversight, resourcing and accountability.

He stressed that WHO will continue to support the NHSDP II implementation process by providing appropriate technical assistance and platforms for policy dialogue as well as ensuring evidence based costing.

The validation workshop was attended by the Minister of Health, the Minister of State for Health, Commissioners of Health from all 36 States, Development Partners and other stakeholders.


For more information, please contact:

Technical contacts:
Dr Teniin Gakuruh; Tel: +234 803 979 5149; Email: gakuruht [at]" target="_blank"> gakuruht [at]
Dr Olayinka Adekugbe; Tel: +234 818 119 3165; Email: adekugbeo [at]" target="_blank">  adekugbeo [at]
Media contact:
Ms  Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email: warigonc [at]" target="_blank"> warigonc [at]

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