Bulletin #19, 19 February 2017

Borno Health Sector Bulletin #19, 19 February 2017

  • Supported by the health sector, the Borno State Ministry of Health established a cholera preparedness working group ahead of the rainy season. The sector is developing a preparedness plan and identifying hot spots, local government areas and camps at higher
  • Risk of possible outbreaks based on historical epidemiological data, concentration of IDPs/population and the WASH sector high risk developed criteria.
  • According to IOM DTM XIV the accessibility to health facility for IDP sites showed an improvement as more sites have an on-site health facility or an off-site within a distance of less than 3km. The INGO health service providers almost doubled over the last two months.
  • A case of confirmed VDPV 2 form Environmental specimen collected 15 Jan 2017 at Shafa Bridge site, Bauchi LGA. Four confirmed WPV 1 in Jere (1), Gwoza (1) and Monguno (2) LGA Borno State in 2016.
  • 18 of the 25 Federal MOH Medical Teams were deployed in support of the sector response outreach LGA approach strategy to: Yerwa PHC, Jiddari PHC, Konduga, Bama, Gwoza, A/Uba, Chibok, Damboa, Biu, Azare, Briyel, Kwaya, Shani, Benisheik, Damasak, Magumeri, Monguno and Gajiram LGAs.