Borno Health Sector Bulletin #7, 12 November 2016

Borno Health Sector Bulletin #7, 12 November 2016

  • Suspected Measles cases continue to spur across IDPs camps spite ongoing routine immunization activities. As part of a phase I measles campaign, Borno State Ministry of Health and partners conducted reactive measles vaccination in three camps: Muna Garage, Custom House and Fariya informal camp. The total vaccinated children aged 6 months to 15 years was 13,537 with vaccination coverage of 98.2%. Reactive measles vaccination campaigns are ongoing targeting 16 camps in MMC and Jere LGAs.
  • Based on trends in previous years, the risk of malaria, measles and acute respiratory infection, it is expected to increase over the next three months. The Borno State Ministry of Health and the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NMA) predicts that increase in temperature heralding the end of the rainy season could lead to increase incidence of meningitis.
  • The initial draft for the NE Nigeria HRP 2017 shows 18 health projects by 12 partners with estimated request budget of $93.8 million.