Issue #25, 11-17 February 2017

Nigerian Crisis WHO Situation Report | Issue #25, 11-17 February 2017

  • Borno State PHEOC steering committee chaired by the Permanent Secretary Dr. Abubakar, Borno State MOH met on the 13th of February. The meeting was graced by Honourable Commissioner who expressed his heartfelt appreciation to WHO for establishing State PHEOC.
  • A draft cholera preparedness plan is on the works in close consultation with SMoH and Health Sector Partners. The main priority areas identified to be review are existing epidemiological data, identification of high-risk ¡§hot spots¡¨ geographical areas and IDP camps, mapping of health facilities for establishment of Cholera Treatment Centres (CTC), capacity building and community mobilization activities.
  • In Epi week six 1,425 cases of AWD were reported which are mostly from Maiduguri, Jere and Konduga. 2,873 cases of Acute Respiratory Infection were reported representing 17 % of the reported morbidity. One death due to ARI, one due to malnutrition and one maternal death were reported.
  • A case of confirmed VDPV 2 form Environmental specimen collected 15/01/17 at Shafa bridge site, Bauchi LGA. Four confirmed WPV 1 in Jere (1), Gwoza (1) and Monguno (2) LGA Borno State in 2016.
  • The national mass measles vaccination campaign January 2017 concluded with a record number of 2,915,712 children vaccinated during the campaign. The administrative coverage is 94%.