Rwanda | WHO, UNHCR and Ministry of Health conduct joint field visit to Mahama Refugee camp to assess the on-going typhoid fever control measures.

Rwanda | WHO, UNHCR and Ministry of Health conduct joint field visit to Mahama Refugee camp to assess the on-going typhoid fever control measures.

11 January 2016 - Massive influx of Burundians into south western Rwanda started around March 31st 2015 as a result of the on-going political crisis in that country. These refugees are accommodated in Mahama Camp in Kirehe District of Rwanda.

A salmonella Typhi outbreak was confirmed in the camp which has a refugee population of 44,965 in November 2015. UNHCR, Ministry of Health and other partners including WHO, UNICEF, ARC and SCF responded swiftly to curtail the spread of the disease among the population and surrounding communities.

The epidemic control efforts conducted since the commencement of the outbreak included disease surveillance, case management, and health promotion, including water and food hygiene and environmental sanitation.

As of 5th January 2016, 1183 suspected cases have been reported and 23 blood and 15 stool samples taken from the suspected cases out of which 9 were tested positive for Salmonella Typhi.

To assess the level of implementation of the ongoing efforts, on January 5th 2016, MOH, WHO and UNHCR conducted a WHO Country a joint monitoring and supervision to the camp. The aim of the joint mission was to identify and address challenges and gaps that may be affecting the on-going prevention and control activities at the camp.

The team worked with Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees (MIDIMAR) and the implementing partners, ARC, SCI, OXFARM and PAJER in the field. Major facilities visited include the Health Centre, the Health Post, Laboratory  within the Health Centre, Health and community Kitchens, toilet facilities,  Pharmacy, community market and water treatment plant. At the time of the visit, the service providers were interviewed, water quality testing was supervised and a number of recommendations for additional interventions were discussed at a joint meeting held in UNCHCR conference room chaired by WHO Country Representative.

At the end of the mission, Dr Jose Nyamusore, the Acting ESR division manager at the MOH, urged implementing partners to upgrade the health facilities services including laboratory capacity to meet the required standard while Dr.  Lakruwan Dassanayake, Public Health Officer, UNHCR, said that the next outbreak technical coordination meeting will discuss how some recommendations requiring funds will be accommodated by partners.

The WHO Country Representative to Rwanda, Dr. Olushayo Olu, in the final remark commended the efforts of the implementing partners and encouraged them to continue to provide quality care to the refugees. He together with his team members made some recommendations for improving surveillance, case management and laboratory services and WASH interventions.

Regular monitoring of implementation of recommendations will be done by a joint field team while a follow-up joint supportive supervision and assessment visit was fixed for 21st January, 2016.


For further information, please contact:

Dr Olushayo Olu, oluo [at]
Dr Jose Nyamusore, josnyamusore [at]
Dr Ayodeji Isiaka, isiakaa [at]
Dr Rosette M. Rosette Nahimana, rosettelady [at]


01. Visit of the water plant

02. Group photo Visitors and guests

03. Working session in Mahama  refugees camp

Click image to enlarge