Update COVID-19 12 January 2021

12 January 2021 — One hundred and sixty-six (166) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 1937 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, nine hundred, and ninety (9950). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and seventy-four (6974) patients have recovered, with no one in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, eight hundred, and fifty-one (2851) and one hundred and twenty-five (125) deaths. The new death is a male of 55 years old in Kigali.

Update COVID-19 11 January 2021

11 January 2021 — One hundred and fifty-four (154) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 1890 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, seven hundred, and eighty-four (9784). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and seventy-four (6974) patients have recovered, with no one in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, six hundred, and eighty-six (2686) and one hundred and twenty-four (124) deaths.

Update COVID-19 10 January 2021

10 January 2021 — One hundred and sixty-nine (169) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 2362 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, six hundred, and thirty (9630). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and seventy-four (6974) patients have recovered, including eighteen (18) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, five hundred, and thirty-six (2536) and one hundred and twenty (120) deaths. The 2 new deaths are a female of 53 years in Rusizi, and a male of 81 years old in Bugesera.

Update COVID-19 09 January 2021

09 January 2021 — Ninety-three (93) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4189 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, four hundred, and sixty-one (9461). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and fifty-six (6956) patients have recovered, including sixteen (16) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, three hundred, and eighty-seven (2387) and one hundred and eighteen (118) deaths. The 3 new deaths are a male of 74, 65, and 50 years old in Kigali.

Update COVID-19 08 January 2021

08 January 2021 — One hundred, and forty-three (143) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4846 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, three hundred, and sixty-eight (9368). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and forty (6940) patients have recovered, with no one in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, three hundred, and thirteen (2313) and one hundred and fifteen (115) deaths. The 2 new deaths are a female of 85 years in Nyagatare District, and a male of 62 years old in Kigali.

Update COVID-19 07 January 2021

07 January 2021 — One hundred, and sixty-seven (167) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 5970 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, two hundred, and twenty-five (9225). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and forty (6940) patients have recovered, with no one in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, one hundred, and seventy-two (2172) and one hundred and thirteen (113) deaths. The new death is a female of 46 years old in Kigali.

Update COVID-19 06 January 2021

06 January 2021 — One hundred and three (103) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4829 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases nine thousand, and fifty-eight (9058). To date, six thousand, nine hundred, and forty (6940) patients have recovered, including sixty-two (62) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is two thousand, and six (2006) and one hundred and twelve (112) deaths. The 2 new deaths are one female of 42, and one male of 55 years old in Kigali.

Update COVID-19 05 January 2021

05 January 2021 — One hundred and seven (107) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4216 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-five (8955). To date, six thousand, eight hundred, and seventy-eight (6878) patients have recovered, including sixty-two (62) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, nine hundred, and sixty-seven (1967) and one hundred and ten (110) deaths. The 5 new deaths are male, four in Kigali of 65, 64, 57 and 45 years, and one of 69 years old in Nyamasheke District.

Update COVID-19 04 January 2021

04 January 2021 — One hundred and seventy-two (172) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 2251 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases eight thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight (8848). To date, six thousand, eight hundred, and sixteen (6816) patients have recovered, including a sixty-four (64) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, nine hundred, and twenty-seven (1927) and one hundred and five (105) deaths.

Update COVID-19 03 January 2021

03 January 2021 — One hundred and nine (109) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 3318 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-six (8676). To date, six thousand, seven hundred, and fifty-two (6752) patients have recovered, including a sixty-seven (67) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, eight hundred, and twenty-three (1823) and one hundred and one (101) deaths. The 3 new deaths are male, among them two of 75 and 67 in Kigali, and one of 51 years old in Huye District.