WHO hands over Blood Donation Van at World Blood Donor Day Ceremony

WHO hands over Blood Donation Van at World Blood Donor Day Ceremony

The theme for this year’s World Blood Donation Day was “Safe blood for saving mothers”, placing emphasis on increasing awareness about the importance of timely access to safe blood and blood products to prevent maternal deaths. For this occasion, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the WHO Country office organised a ceremony and reception to thank all blood donors in the country. The highlight of the ceremony was the handing over of a blood donation van by WHO Liaison Officer Dr. Cornelia Atsyor, to the Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Agency, Dr Suresh Menon.

The ceremony took place in the presence of the Minster of Health, Mrs Mitcy Larue, members of the Ministry of Health Senior Management team, other health staff, sponsors, as well as over 200 regular voluntary blood donors. Addressing all present, Dr. Atsyor said that the Blood donation Van which cost over US$112,000 is fitted with special equipment and it is being donated to improve the Ministry’s outreach activities for blood safety.

During her intervention, Dr. Atsyor also took the opportunity to read out the message of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Luis Sambo, who was calling on countries which have made progress in voluntary non-paying blood donations to maintain or strengthen this activity. Dr Sambo urged other countries who were not faring so well to redouble their efforts to also improve safe blood supply.

Regular blood donors honored for giving the gift of life 

During that same ceremony, over 200 blood donors were awarded with recognition certificates for their life-saving gestures. Depending on the number of units of blood they had donated, blood donors were recognized with bronze, silver or gold certificates. Addressing the blood donors whom she described as “silent heroes who give the gift of life without expecting anything in return”, Minister Larue reminded all present of the importance of the occasion as the necessity to give blood arises every year. The Health Minister concluded by calling on more Seychellois to come forward and give blood voluntary and regularly.


For more information, please contact:

Doreen Hotive, HIP Officer, WHO Country Office 
Tel: (248) 4224795
Email: hotived [at] who.int

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