Seychelles News

UN and Seychelles signs Strategic Partnership Framework for better coordination in i...

Victoria, Seychelles, 3 September 2018 - The United Nations and the Seychelles Government has signed a Strategic Partnership Framework (SPF) which consolidate their commitment to support the country’s effort to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the year 2030. It was the visiting UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP resident representative for Mauritius and Seychelles Mrs.

Seychelles sets course to establish a Nutrition Information System

Seychelles, 22 August 2018 - In response to the need to have a holistic information system that can continuously collect, analyse and interpret data related to nutrition, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is supporting the Ministry of Health in Seychelles to develop the country’s Nutrition Information System (NIS).

WHO and partners take first step to develop National Action Plan for Health Security...

Seychelles, 6th August 2018 - Ministry of Health in collaboration with World Health Organisation (WHO) has ended a two days workshop to develop the Seychelles Nation Action Plan on Health Security (NAPHS). The workshop took place at the Savoy Hotel, Beau Vallon, Mahe on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd August 2018. It was facilitated by two WHO staff, Dr Allan Mpairwea and Mr Antonio Oke and brought together multi stakeholders including various line Ministries and agencies, Laboratories, Educational institutions, Media houses, and Port and Airport authorities.

Engaging media for effective risk communication in Seychelles

VICTORIA, November 8 2017 - Whilst their roles are different, journalists together with health workers are often on the frontline of disease outbreaks. It is therefore essential that the media is engaged in preparedness and response efforts, using their voice to share credible information towards reducing public health risks. This is the key message that was put forward during recent trainings conducted for journalists and editors of local media houses in Victoria, Seychelles. 

Seychelles Prepares against Disease Outbreaks

VICTORIA, 30 October 2017 ---- Today the World Health Organization handed over a number of vital supplies to the Ministry of Health in Seychelles that will help bolster preparedness against potential disease outbreaks, including 400 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In addition to supplies, efforts are also underway to ensure effective plans, systems and protocols are in place to respond to any suspected plague cases should they occur in the island country.

Suspected cases from Seychelles test negative for plague

Samples from patients in Seychelles suspected to be ill with pneumonic plague tested negative at a WHO partner laboratory in Paris, France on Tuesday, 17 October 2017. The ten samples were shipped by the Seychelles Ministry of Health and WHO to the collaborating centre for Yersinia at the Institut Pasteur to confirm the status of several suspected and one probable case – a 34-year-old Seychelles national who had returned from Madagascar with plague-like symptoms.

Seychelles – Suspected Plague (Ex- Madagascar)

On 10 October 2017, the Seychellois Ministry of Health notified WHO of a probable case of pneumonic plague. The probable case is a 34-year-old man who had visited Madagascar and returned to Seychelles on 6 October 2017. He developed symptoms on 9 October 2017 and presented to a local health centre. Based on a medical examination and reported history of recent travel to Madagascar, pneumonic plague infection was suspected and he was immediately referred to hospital where he was isolated and treated.