Sierra Leone News

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 21 September 2012

The national trend of the cholera situation in Sierra Leone continues to show a decline. Cases in the Western Area, which accounts for the highest number, are also on the decrease.

As of 20 September 2012, the update released by the Min-istry of Health and Sanitation on the outbreak reported 19,283 cases and 276 deaths with a case fatality rate of 1.4%. The Western Area reported the highest number of cases followed by Tonkolilli, Kenema and Bombali dis-tricts as shown in the table above. Kailahun remained the only district without a confirmed case.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 4 September, 2012

In Sierra Leone, the situation with the current cholera outbreak is still critical. As of September 3, 2012, a cumulative of 15,838 cases with 251 deaths giving a case fatality Rate of 1.6% was reported by the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control.

According to daily reports, district that reported the highest number of cases include: Western Area (169), Bombali (18) and Kenema (18). There is improvement in data collection from all districts. In the Western Area over 79% of facilities report daily.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone -17 August 2012

In Sierra Leone, the situation with the current cholera outbreak remained critical. As of August 16, 2012, 10,905 cases with 184 deaths with a Case Fatality Rate of 1.7 was reported by the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. While data collection and verification have improved particularly in Western Area, there is need to heighten vigilance in those districts not yet affected by cholera for early detection and prompt action.

Cuban Ebola responders depart Sierra Leone

The last batch of Ebola responders from the Cuban Medical Brigade will depart Sierra Leone on 1 April 2015, following a farewell ceremony with local dignitaries on Monday, 30 March in Freetown. The first contingent of 98 Cuban health workers departed Sierra Leone on Sunday 22 March after nearly 6 months supporting the Ebola outbreak response in the country.

Rapid response to new Ebola infection in Bombali, Sierra Leone

WHO is helping Sierra Leone to mobilize all its experience and partners to ensure that any new cases of Ebola are investigated and transmission of the disease stopped as rapidly as possible. Sad news that a 16-year old girl had died from Ebola in Bombali district, a part of the country that had a large outbreak 6 months ago, sparked an immediate inter-agency rapid response. Partners sent people with the skills and equipment needed to stop further infection in Bombali.