Togo is Saying Goodbye to Elephantiasis

No longer ashamed
Mr. Tchazimon Essohanani, 58, is a father of six and principal of a secondary school in Bebeda, 35 km east of Kara, Togo’s second biggest city. 
Essohanani recalls that in 2009, his scrotum and testicles, for no apparent reason, suddenly began to grow bigger and bigger, causing him to suffer embarrassment, shame and frustration due to the stigma. “I have 592 pupils in my school. Everywhere I went, I could ‘feel’ that all eyes were on the bulging part of my trousers. Very often, my wife asked me questions to which I had no answers,” he says.

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Togo

An outreach session was held last Tuesday 23 April 2013, within District 5 of Lome, a peripheral area of the capital city. “People have little access to the health center; that’s why we have got the vaccination services closer to them as per the spirit of the AVW”, explained Mrs TENA Kanma Nanah, Communications Officer at the Epidemiological Division, Ministry of Health. Present at the supervisory visit, officials from the Togo Ministry of Health Togo and WHO Colleagues.