Uganda holds the 19th Government of Uganda/Development Partners Joint Review Mission and 9th National Health Assembly 23rd to 26th September 2013

Uganda holds the 19th Government of Uganda/Development Partners Joint Review Mission and 9th National Health Assembly 23rd to 26th September 2013

Kampala, September 2013 -- Uganda’s Ministry of Health hosted the 19th Joint Review Mission and 9th National Health Assembly from 23rd to 26th September 2013 during which progress was reported on the 26 core health indicators.

During the meeting, the Annual Health Sector Performance Report FY 2012/13 and the Mid-Term Review (MTR) report of the Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan (HSSIP) 2010/11– 2014/15 were presented. At the opening ceremony, the Hon Minister of Health Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda applauded the central, local governments and development partners for working closely together leading to improvement on the reported indicators.

“We have a common goal to deliver the much needed services to the people and together, working as a team, can achieve this. The challenges are not insurmountable and each one of us has something to contribute to achieving this goal”, Dr Rugunda said.

Overall, the national performance indicates an improvement in the proportion of approved posts filled by health workers from 58% to 63%. At the same time, DPT3 coverage increased from 85% to 87%, while the proportion of eligible persons receiving ART rose from 59.3% to 76%. The proportion of children accessing HIV testing within 12 months increasing from 32.3% to 46%, and the percentage of pregnant women who have completed IPT2 increased from 44.2% to 47%.

Progress was also made on deliveries conducted in health facilities that increased from 38.1% to 41%.

However, a decline was noted in the financial allocation to health as a percentage of total national budget that declined from 8.3% to 7.4%. TB detection rate also decreased from 57.2% to 54.5% and the percentage of pregnant women attending 4 Ante Natal Clinic sessions declined from 34.2% to 31%.

According to the MTR and Analytical reports, products of a six-month review process supported by the World Health Organization, good progress was noted on low-weight in under-five children, reduced stunting in children above 5 years through vitamin A supplementation, improved water quality surveillance and reduced anaemia on which the 2015 MDG target was surpassed.

In the area of Epidemic Preparedness and Disaster Response, the reports point out that coordinated efforts of the multi-sectoral National Task Force (NTF) effectively contained major outbreaks of Yellow Fever in Northern Uganda in 2010, Nodding Syndrome in the Acholi sub-region, Ebola and Marburg in Central and Western Uganda. The NTF was also applauded by the international community for controlling the viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks of 2012 in record time.

On HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, access to HIV Counseling and testing (HCT) by the general population increased from 25% of women and 23% of men in 2006 to an estimated 66% among women and 45% among men currently.

Regarding reproductive health, maternal, newborn care the reports indicate that virtually all pregnant women attend antenatal care at least once (95%). However, only 48% make the recommended 4 or more ANC visits. In addition, while there has been an upward trend in Institutional deliveries, the HSSIP target of 90% in 2015 may be difficult to achieve. All Health Center IIIs  and 30% of HC IIs were able to offer basic obstetric and newborn care services, with improved availability of  essential life-saving commodities including contraceptives.

Similarly, the review found out that availability of the six tracer medicines, that is, ACTs, Cotrimoxazole, measles vaccine, Oral Rehydration salt, Depo-Provera and Sulphadoxine pyramethamine has been increasing steadily with 53% of health facilities not experiencing monthly stock-outs in 2012/13. A lack of data prevented a comprehensive analysis on the trends and performance in Non Communicable diseases programmes.

At the closing of the 9th National Health Assembly, the Hon Minister of State in charge of Primary Health Care Ms. Sarah Achieng Opendi congratulated local governments on the good the performance and re-echoed the importance for all stakeholders to work together in the health sector.

Fifteen districts were recognized for performing well in immunization coverage for the FY 2012/13 and awarded prizes. The meetings were attended by officials from the Ministry of Health, other government ministries, departments and agencies, development partners, Civil Society, Private Sector, District Local Governments and Members of Parliament.


For more information please contact :

Benjamin Sensasi, Health Promo on Advisor, WHO Country Office
Tel 256-414-335500
Email:sensasib [at]

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