Dr Samba Talks About His Achievement And Bids Africa Farewell

13 April 2004, Kampala -- The out-going WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Ebrahim M. Samba has advised whoever takes over from to continue the "hard work, be credible, transparent and confident". He said this early April in Uganda while attending the International Summit on Nutrition and Food Security.

Uganda to chair 125th and 126th executive board of the World Health Organization

Dr. Sam Zaramba the Director General of Health Services represents Uganda on the Executive Board of World Health Organisation in Geneva Switzerland

Dr. Sam Zaramba has been appointed as Chairperson of the Executive Board of the World Health Organisation for the years 2009 and 2010.

Avril 2008. The Executive Board is composed of 34 countries represented by persons who are technically qualified in the field designated by the Member States that have been elected to serve the World Health Assembly States.

Protecting and Promoting Health

Over the years, WHO has supported government strengthen maternal and child health services through a number of activities like immunization, Safe Motherhood, and implementation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI). 

Immunization programmes, started in 1983. At that time, measles was the leading cause of death among children. By 1987, after countrywide immunization against all childhood immunizable diseases, measles ceased to be an important cause of mortality in children and likewise the other diseases were reduced significantly.

Primary Health Care

The decentralization of health services and programmes to district level has been actively supported by WHO. This has involved capacity building at district and community level, monitoring and evaluation programmes and provision of health learning materials to districts. 

Control and Prevention of Specific Health Problems

WHO provides the government of Uganda technical assistance for management of national health programmes (primary health care, malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, onchocerciasis, epidemiological surveillance, control and elimination of specific community diseases). Technical assistance has taken the form of training, consultants, equipment, and vehicles. In some situations WHO provides drugs.

Response to Emergency Health Problems

WHO has supported the Ministry of Health, District Health Teams and other local and international organisations to mitigate the health impact of the conflict in northern Uganda. More support has been in the area of disease outbreaks i.e. Ebola in Gulu and Bundibugyo districts; Marburg in Kamwenge district; Meningitis in Arua district; Cholera in several parts of the country; and health care delivery to the flood affected districts in eastern Uganda.