WHO joins Presidential National Cleaning Campaign to stop spread of cholera in the United Republic of Tanzania

WHO joins Presidential National Cleaning Campaign to stop spread of cholera in the United Republic of Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 10 December 2015 - Tanzania is currently experiencing a severe Cholera Outbreak which started in mid-August 2015.  Recently, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, called on all in the country to commemorate Uhuru (Independence) Day on the 9th of December 2015, by focusing on “a major cleanup campaign aimed at contributing to stopping the spread of cholera in the country”.

The World Health Organization, led by the Country Representative, Dr Rufaro Chatora, responded to the call and capitalized on the organization’s ongoing cholera outbreak response interventions to mobilize communities in Dar es Salaam and the regions to adopt positive behaviors that will prevent cholera transmission.

Three areas selected for the events were agreed upon based on cholera attack rates and guidance from the Regional Medical Officers. At the respective locations, the teams promoted through demonstration correct hand washing and water treatment with chlorine-based tablets.  Up to 500 posters on hand washing and 500 leaflets on cholera transmission and prevention were distributed and displayed on public places. 

The office also supplied chlorinated water through bowsers to three targeted areas in Dar es Salaam.  In total 30 000 liters of treated water was supplied and up to 600 households benefited from this event. Handwashing stations were also put in public places to promote appropriate hygiene practices at critical times.

WHO has supported social mobilization response plan, training manuals for orientation of community volunteers, Training of Trainers for Ward Health Officers. In addition information, education and communication materials will be made widely available to strengthen communities’ contribution to stopping transmission of this cholera outbreak.

It was encouraging to see the active participation of the communities on sanitation, which perfectly complemented WHO’s intervention on hygiene and water supply. The whole WASH response was perfectly covered, and the communities appreciated WHO’s intervention.


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Neema M. Kileo, National Professional Officer-Health Promotion, Mobile: 0755 551804/ 0655 551804, E.Mail:  kileon [at] who.int



01. One of the water bowsers provided by WHO

02. WHO providing water to a water tank at the Fish market

03. Some of the WHO Staff that participated in the cleaning campaign to stop spread of Cholera

04. Dr Chatora at a cleaning site addressing the media

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