United Republic of Tanzania News

WHO Supports Road Safety Legislation Workshop for Regional Police Traffic Officers

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme are implementing a 5-year Road Safety Programme (2015-19) that aims at reducing the risk of road traffic crashes in the country. This aims at ensuring that there are good road safety laws which address drinking and driving, seat belts, child restraints and helmets use.

WHO Joins Partners’ Congress in the Fight against Diabetes and Non-communicable Dise...

WHO joined the East African Diabetes Study Group (EADSG) in an NCD symposium held recently to share best practices and progress of NCD interventions across countries. The two day symposium was attended by among others, delegates from the Diabetes Study group, World Diabetes Foundation, Ministries of Health of 15 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa, the African Union, NCD Alliance, WHO country offices, WHO Inter country Support Team and the Regional Office for Africa.

Review and finalizing the All Hazard Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

A 3-day workshop to review and finalize the All Hazard Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan was held in the Veta Conference Hall in Dodoma from 18thApril 2016 to 20thApril 2016. This workshop which was organized by the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) brought together participants from the Emergency Preparedness and Response Section (EPRS) of the MOHCDGEC, WHO, CDC, Ministry of Home Affairs, Academic Institution and the Private Sector.

Photo story: Observation of the cholera outbreak response in Zanzibar

01. At the Chumbuni Cholera Treatment Centre, Dr Chatora is briefed on the structure, resources, and functioning of the center

02. The center's staff is observed as it manages a patient in line with the case management protocols

03. Listening to the community on the social mobilisation activities being undertaken to raise the level of cholera awareness, personnal hygiene, treatment seeking practises, etc

04. Walking in the community to see the environmental conditions and their contribution to the persistance transmission and of the outbreak

WHO observation, assessment and support mission of the cholera outbreak response in ...

The World Health Organization Country Representative in Tanzania, Dr Rufaro Chatora, has just completed a multi-purpose mission which included observation, assessment and support of the cholera outbreak response in Zanzibar.  WHO has been concerned about the persistence of the outbreak in Zanzibar, and hence Dr Chatora’s mission also to strengthening the on-going interventions through high level advocacy so as to bring the outbreak into immediate control.

Pioneering methadone programme in Dar es Salaam gives hope to thousands

24 August 2016 - In a discreet corner of the Mwananyamala District Hospital grounds, in the United Republic of Tanzania’s largest city Dar es Salaam, a group of young people queue outside a small window for their daily dose of methadone. Others are taking refuge from the intense heat in the few shady spots available in the dusty yard behind the low building housing the clinic.

Strengthening adaptation and resilience to climate change in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 7-9 March 2017 : Climate change has been recognized as a major global health threat of the 21st century. Its effects are already happening and are expected to have complex, long term consequences to the livelihood, environment and the health sector including in Tanzania. In recognizing the devastating impact of climate change, the Government of Tanzania has put in place a number of initiatives to address the challenges of climate change.

WHO strengthens capacity for vaccine transportation

Dar es Salaam, 21 March 2016 : Tanzania is party to the Addis Declaration on Immunization which is a historic and timely pledge to ensure that all children in Africa have the full benefits of immunization. The declaration among other things commits to increase vaccine related funding, strengthening supply chain and delivery systems, and making universal access to vaccines a cornerstone of health and development efforts.

WHO and partners develop a Costed National Action Plan for Health Security

Dar es Salaam, 20-23 February 2017 - This year, Tanzania made history by being the first country in the WHO African region and globally to develop a Costed National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS). The journey has not been easy, because it has taken over a year after the country completed the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) in February 2016. The processes of developing of the NAPHS, began in June 2016, 3 months after the JEE was completed. The NAPHS development process was started by the country’s IHR technical working group.

Zanzibar conducts joint external evaluation of core capacities of the International ...

Zanzibar, 24 April 2017 : WHO and partners supported the Zanzibar Island to conduct a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) for IHR Core Capacities. The event was officiated by the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Honorable Riziki Pembe Juma. Also present during the occasion were the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Ms. Asha Abdala, Directors from the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Livestock, Disaster Risk Management, and, representatives of various sectors and agencies and the external evaluators.