Zimbabwe News

Death Announcement - Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organiza...

Harare,22 May 2006 - The World Health Organization Country Representative Dr.Evarist Njelesani and Staff wish to announce, with deep shock and sorrow, the death of Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Dr Lee had been in hospital since Saturday afternoon, where he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on his brain (a subdural haematoma). He remained in intensive care until 07.43 this morning, when he was pronounced dead.

2006 - Annual Malaria Conference East and Southern Africa - Accelerating Malaria Pre...

Annual inter country malaria review and planning conferences have shown to be effective in sharing best practices and peer review mechanisms among countries. The World Health Organization Inter Country Support Team on Malaria for East and Southern Africa will be organizing such a meeting from the 14th to the 18th of August 2006. The meeting will take place in Harare, Zimbabwe.

World Blood Donor Day 2008 Commemorated at Zimuto Secondary School

Masvingo Province, 13 June 2008 -- In 2005, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution establishing an annual World Blood Donor Day, to be celebrated on 14 June each year. The day which is meant to recognise, thank and honour those people who donate their blood voluntarily to save human lives was celebrated at Zimuto Secondary School in Masvingo Province. The theme, of Blood Donor Day this year is "Giving Blood Regularly".

Immunization is safe for all children

Harare, 28 July 2009 --  The Honourable Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Dr Henry Madzorera stated that immunization is safe for all Zimbabwean children in a press conference he held with local and international media. This follows some media reports in the days following the National Immunization Days that some children were falling sick after immunization.

Zimbabwe commemorates World Humanitarian Day

Harare, 19 August 2009. Today Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world to commemorate the inaugural World Humanitarian Day. The General Assembly of the United Nations designated 19 August as World Humanitarian Day and it is an occasion for paying tribute to the men and women who work to save the lives and protect the health of people affected by emergencies, whether caused by conflict or natural disasters. These are often life-threatening situations, and those who offer help often put their own lives at risk.

Zimbabwe commemorates African Traditional Medicine Day

Harare, 02 September 2009 --  Zimbabwe joined the rest of the african region to commemorate the 8th African Traditional Medicine day on 31st August 2009 at Tshovani Stadium inChiredzi under the theme Traditional Medicine and patient safety, in an event that was attended by the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Dr Mombeshora who was the guest of honour, members of the TMPC, (Traditional medicine practitioners council), the Governer and Resident Minister of Masvingo province, members of the Tshovane community, school children and many traditional and fait

Zimbabwe Launches National Clean Up Campaign

Harare, 03 September 2009 -- The acting President, Cde Joyce Mujuru today officially launched the national clean up campaign at her Munhumutapa offices in Harare. The campaign, which is the brainchild of the Social Mobilization taskforce of the Cholera Command and Control Centre (C4), is part of the many on-going cholera awareness campaigns ahead of the cholera season.

Landmark H1N1 response plan launched in Zimbabwe

Harare, 30 September, 2009 -- A landmark plan to improve how countries, particularly developing nations, can better protect themselves against the pandemic H1N1 2009 has been applied for the first time in the world during a two-day workshop in Zimbabwe that ended today.

WHO gives bicycles, motorcycles, medicines to Zimbabwean health authorities

Harare, 30 September 2009 -- The World Health Organization officially presented hundreds of bicycles and motorcycles to the Zimbabwean Ministry of Health here today to strengthen health care and disease surveillance activities throughout the country.

The 300 black bicycles and 124 bright red motor cycles were purchased with US$ 500 000 acquired by WHO via the UN's Central Emergency Response Fund. These items strengthen Zimbabwe's ability to prepare for and respond to potential health concerns, including cholera outbreaks and the pandemic H1N1 2009.