South Africa

Renseignements de Pays

    Data & Statistics

    Total population (2015) 54,490,000
    Gross national income per capita (PPP international $, 2013) 12
    Life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2015) 59/66
    Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births, 0) n/a
    Probability of dying between 15 abd 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population, 2013) 386/272
    Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl $, 2014) 1,148
    Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2014) 8.8

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    Country Health Topics

    Aucun thème de santé disponible pour ce pays

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    Soumis par le lun 22/05/2017 - 16:30




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