Functional Review team highlights the inter-sectorial approach of WHO Country Office to achieve Universal Health Coverage, address Health Emergencies and promote Healthier Populations

Functional Review team highlights the inter-sectorial approach of WHO Country Office to achieve Universal Health Coverage, address Health Emergencies and promote Healthier Populations

The World Health Organization is currently reviewing the functions of the country offices in the African Region to fully adapt them to the principles of the Transformation Agenda 2015 - 2020 and the WHO 13th General Program of Work 2019 – 2023. It aims at reinforcing the response to the country needs and priorities, providing better services to achieve Universal Health Coverage, address Public Health Emergencies and promote Healthier Populations.


In Cabo Verde, this functional review comprised several meetings with key WHO stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health, other government institutions and municipalities, Civil Society Organizations and Universities, Diplomatic Corps and International Cooperation Agencies, United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Country Team.


The WHO country representative, Mariano Salazar, noted the importance of this process and guaranteed the immediate incorporation of all contributions received from stakeholders. “We count on the mission to reinforce the office and we expect that the experience shared here will be useful for the region”.


The Minister of Health, Arlindo do Rosário, stressed the critical role that WHO plays supporting its ministry and encouraged to strengthen the partnership and cooperation amid stakeholders that deal with health matters in Cabo Verde.


During the meeting with government institutions, it was reinforced the importance of working at sub-national level, including the municipalities as key actors, as well as promoting healthy environments in cities, school, working spaces and universities. Environmental Health and Climate Change effects in Health were also areas that several representatives emphasized as priorities for a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), such as Cabo Verde.


The Cabo Verde University Chancellor, Judite de Nascimento, underlined the importance of WHO support for their Health and Medicine courses, in particular in researching capacities development. Civil Society Organizations noted also the importance to work in adolescent health and risk factors, as well as on mental health and disabilities. 


The Diplomatic Corps representatives noticed the leading role of WHO to consolidate a platform for information sharing in Health sector related initiatives, so donors could better articulate efforts to support the country.


Finally, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ana Patrícia Graça, acknowledged the work done by WHO, as leading agency on Health within the UN System, as well as leader agency of the ‘People’ pillar in the current United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). United Nations Country Team members also recognised WHO role in the country and encouraged to continue the cooperation through joint programmes.


The mission head, Abdulmumini Usman, underscored the openness of all stakeholders and their positive feedback in relation to WHO work in Cabo Verde, which has one of the most diversified portfolio of partners in the region, including cooperation activities with eight of thirteen ministries, as well as municipalities, universities and NGOs. In addition, he encouraged to “strengthen the office communication capabilities to show other countries the good practices and success stories of the WHO job done here”.


Makhtar Ndiaye, from the mission team, defended the leadership role that Cabo Verde may play in the region in this paradigm shift of field offices functions, becoming a champion in this process that could inspire other offices.


The inputs collected by the mission team are going to be reviewed at regional level in order to elaborate an implementation plan to adapt the Cabo Verde office work force and operations to the country needs. This will allow WHO to be fully aligned with the health priorities in Cabo Verde and to provide quality technical assistance, contributing effectively to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to health in the country.

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Antonio Palazuelos Prieto

Communication Officer
WHO Cabo Verde
Email: palazuelosa [at]