Spreading the message about Universal Health Coverage

Spreading the message about Universal Health Coverage

On 26 June 2019, the WHO Country Office convene its first Brown Bag Session to share information about Universal Health Coverage and advocate for health for all. The meeting brought together 34 health partners and other key actors from the private sector, academic and research institutions, civil society and media. The session discussions focused on the basic concepts, challenges and opportunities to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage, including access to essential health services, financial risk protection and access to safe, quality, effective and affordable medicines and vaccines for all. Several recommendations were made during the meeting including the need to continue awareness dialogues with the government and partners; mainstreaming UHC concepts through existing health coordination mechanisms and advancing implementation of the SDG 3 Plan of Action.

Universal health coverage means all people have access to the health care they need, when and where they need it, without facing financial hardship. With a strong foundation of primary health care, universal health coverage is one of WHO’s key priorities, making up one of the Triple Billion Goals. WHO is working with Member States, partners and other key actors to help countries strengthen health systems for universal health coverage around the world.

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