Uganda Commemorates World TB Day 2016

Uganda Commemorates World TB Day 2016

Kyenjojo, 30th March 2016 - Uganda commemorated the World Tuberculosis Day 2016 at Kyenjojo Secondary School grounds in Kyenjojo District under the theme “Unite to End TB” with the Slogan “Find, Treat and cure all TB patients”. The overarching message to all Ugandans was to ensure that TB patients seek and complete treatment given to them by health workers.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Health Dr.  Elioda Tumwesigye congratulated the National TB and Leprosy Program for elevating Uganda out of the 22 high burden TB countries. The minister called upon the Village Health Teams (VHTs) throughout the country and Kyenjojo district in particular to help health workers to identify the TB patients in the different homes and the community refer them to health facilities for treatment. Dr. Elioda emphasized the importance of TB treatment and advised the people to always adhere and complete treatment in order to reduce risks of developing Multi Drug Resistant TB. The Minister launched the Constituency Health Task Force that is supposed to ensure quality health care is delivered across all levels of the health care system and donated an X-ray machine to Kyenjojo Health Center IV to assist in the diagnosis of TB.

The Director General of Health Services Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng gave a quick update of the TB situation noting that with 22% of TB and cases not seeking treatment Kyenjojo District is among the poorly performing districts in TB treatment in Uganda. She highlighted the role of VHTs saying that they play an important role in bringing the high TB-figures down. Dr Aceng however cautioned the general population and the health workers about stigmatization of patients that is reported to be common in many communities. She strongly advised the people of Kyenjojo district and all Ugandans to scale up testing and treatment of TB stressing the importance of using drugs only prescribed by the health workers.

The WHO Country Representative in Uganda Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu pointed out the need to use innovative approaches to tackle the TB epidemic such as engaging civil society rolling out new diagnostic technics and adopting new tools for monitoring and evaluation. Such strategies, he said will contribute to reduction of TB deaths and occurrence by 75% and 50% respectively by 2025, targets that were agreed to by Uganda and other African countries in 2015. Focusing on the theme of the day “Unite to End TB” Dr Alemu called for close collaboration between government and other stakeholders to address the TB scourge. He committed WHO’s continued support to strengthen health systems for better health services delivery in the country.

There were several theatrical performances by drama groups with informative and educative messages on TB. The underlying message being find, report, treat TB cases and adhere to treatment.

Free HIV and TB testing services also on offer as well as vaccination of children against the known immunizable diseases.

The commemoration attracted the participants from government, development partners, the Global Fund, Uganda Stop TB Partnership, Civil Society Organizations, implementing partners such as Baylor Foundation, the general population of Kyenjojo Town Council as well as school children.


For more information, please contact:

Kind Regards, Mwebembezi Edmond, Public Information Officer, Tel. +256 414 335569, Cell: +256 782 962674, Email: mwebembezie [at]



01. Kyenjojo District Officials with the Minister of Health and WHO Representative and Director General at the commemoration

02. School children receive vaccination during the commemoration

03. WHO Representative in Uganda Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu (Centre)  makes his remarks

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