Fogo volcanic eruption 2014-2015 : From the onset to the post-disaster assessment – The role of the WHO

Fogo volcanic eruption 2014-2015 : From the onset to the post-disaster assessment – The role of the WHO

On the 23rd of November 2014 a volcanic eruption occurred on the island of Fogo in the archipelago of Cabo Verde. During the early hours of the eruption, critical infra-structure such as roads and telecommunications where immediately destroyed by a massive torrent of lava flow that also covered a substantial area of arable land. However, considering the slow movement of magma, the population had sufficient time to be evacuated out of the affected area. 

The eruption gained local, national and international attention when the lava flow proceeded to completely destroy the two communities that had been living on the foot slope of this volcano since 1927. The eruption left a trail of devastation as it completelydestroyed the two settlements in the caldera and displaced the 994 people living there. Agricultural land was destroyed as well as social infrastructure (schools, the health center and a church). The eruption terminated on 7th February 2015, after 88 days of continuous emission of magna.

For an effective response, the WHO Country Representative, Dr. Mariano Salazar Castellón, initiated an Emergency Response Framework (ERF) and according to the WHO’s internal grading process for emergencies, it was attributed by the African Regional Office, Grade 1.

An international expert, Dr. François B. Nguessan, was assigned in order to elaborate Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA). A UN Disaster Assistance and Coordination (UNDAC) Team with experts from OCHA and UNDP, and the European Civil Protection mechanism, was deployed to support the overall coordination, needs assessment and information management in support of the Government of Cabo Verde. The Group remained active until the Post-Disaster Evaluation.

View the full Newsletter on the Fogo volcanic eruption 2014-2015

For further information, please contact: Vesna Jovic, Communication and Health Promotion, Email: jovicv [at]

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