Zanzibar commemorates World Health Day 2018

Zanzibar commemorates World Health Day 2018

Zanzibar, 8 April 2018: The 70th anniversary of World Health Day, 7th April 2018 was colorfully commemorated in Kijini Village, about 60 kilometres from Zanzibar town, in the presence of Honorable Hamad Rashid Mohamed, Minister of Health, Principal and Deputy Principal Secretaries of the MOH, District Commissioner for North A, Directors, village administrators and the community.

During the occasion, the Minister of Health and Guest of Honor congratulated WHO and Member States for the achievements in improving health and wellbeing of the world population in the past 70 years and reiterated Government’s determination to ensure Universal Health Coverage to Zanzibar population. He sighted the construction of Kijini Primary Health Care Unit as an example of the Government’s determination to reach everyone everywhere in Zanzibar.

He advised the population to use the nearest health facilities, like Kijini Primary Health Care Unit, to ensure quick access to essential health services, save lives and avoid congesting referral facilities which are required to provide specialized services. He reminded the Zanzibar population that health is their right and encouraged them to contact him and his team directly if there are health issues that need to be addressed. He said “we are accountable to you and you should put us to task”.

The message of WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, was delivered by WHO Liaison Officer for Zanzibar Dr. Andemichael Ghirmay. The message highlighted the major advances in health and health technology, including life-saving medicines and the improvement in access to essential health services. However much more needs to be done to curb the increase in non-communicable diseases, address new threats of diseases and epidemics like Ebola and cholera. Countries, therefore, must strive to improve health governance and information systems to ensure better regulation, planning and accountability to their communities. The message emphasized the need for effective leadership and high-level political commitment to achieving Universal Health Coverage.

The message concluded by calling on African leaders to live up to the SDG pledges they made in 2015, and to commit to take concrete actions and that WHO will continue to support countries to build stronger, more resilient and responsive health systems through Universal Health Coverage to advance Health for All.

Various health and educational services were provided during the occasion that includes screening for high blood pressure and diabetes, provision of eye and ear screening, screening for cervical cancer and voluntary blood donation. The provisions of the services were in line with the theme “Universal Health Coverage: Everyone Everywhere.”  A Cultural group from the vicinity entertained the invited guests and the population with music and drama messages related to occasion.

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Pour de plus amples informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Dr. Ghirmay Andemichael

Liaison Officer/PHA, Zanzibar

Email:andemichaelg [at]
