Featured news

Eligible beneficiary of meningitis vaccination campaign in Yobe state implemented with technical support from WHO.

Germany boosts WHO’s strategies to support government-led interventions for vulnerable populations in the North-east 

UN staff participating in Kalerwe Market to commemorate an UN day 2018

United Nations Wellness Program helping UN staff and their families cope with the effects of global COVID-19 pandemic

Volunteering in Nigeria’s COVID-19 battle

Volunteering in Nigeria’s COVID-19 battle

Kuisebmund Community Testing Centre in Walvisbay, Namibia

Walvis Bay COVID-19 Strategy: Test, Isolate and Treat

Building on Ebola response to tackle COVID-19 in DRC

Building on Ebola response to tackle COVID-19 in DRC

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 25 June 2020

Practical session on case management

The African Development Bank, Ministry of Finance and Planning and WHO sign a grant-based partnership agreement to support the COVID-19 response and strengthen health systems for emergency preparedness in South Sudan