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Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon. K. K. S. Jagutpal handing over a copy of the National Cancer Registry Report 2018 to Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius

New Cancer Cases on the decrease in Mauritius

One of the flood-affected areas in northern Nigeria

Nigeria strengthens capacity to address impact of climate change on health. 

Eligible Child being immunizedi.jpg

Enugu State inaugurates Task Force on Immunization, to close gaps in immunization coverage  

Dr Freddy Banza

Working with communities to end Ebola

Man smoking a cigarette

Ethiopia passes landmark smoking excise bill

Ethiopia stepping up readiness for coronavirus disease outbreak

Ethiopia stepping up readiness for coronavirus disease outbreak

Mr Christopher Raboude, Nutritionist, Rodrigues Island, receiving the Certificate of Participation from Mrs Aryamah Doomun, Chief Nutritionist.  In the background, Dr I. Nawoor, Ag Director Health Services, Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius and Dr H. Bekele, Nutrition Advisor, WHO IST/ESA

Empowering Health Workers on Child Growth Assessment

Four countries in the African region license vaccine in milestone for Ebola prevention

Four countries in the African region license vaccine in milestone for Ebola prevention