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In Madagascar, mothers show grit to protect their children as government, partners battle measles epidemic

Vacinação contra Pólio

Father vaccinates community after daughter paralyzed by polio in Mozambique

Bujubuli Health Centre III

Bujubuli Health Centre Strives to offer the Best Health Services to Refugees in Kyaka II

WHO Representative Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam hands the MOU to the Dean of MUSPH Dr Rhoda Wanyenze

WHO and Makerere University School of Public Health to collaborate on health research and training of health professionals

One of the groups drafting a component of the strategy

Botswana develops first ever multi-sectoral Tobacco Control Strategy

WHO Africa Health Forum closes with a road map to achieving universal health coverage and health security

WHO Africa Health Forum closes with a road map to achieving universal health coverage and health security

Diseases cost the African Region $2.4 trillion a year, says WHO

Diseases cost the African Region $2.4 trillion a year, says WHO