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Human solidarity chain in Praia, Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde launches first “solidarity chain” in Africa with a flash mob promoting universal health coverage

The Permanent secretary at MOH, Dr. Kennedy Malama led other Senior government officials and diplomats in a Kick out TB exercise

Zambia launches TB Preventive Therapy guidelines during the World TB Day Commemoration

A resident of Sakure Payam being vaccinated against YF

South Sudan launches Yellow Fever vaccination campaign to stop outbreak in Sakure, Nzara County, Gbudue State

Community engagement and social mobilization with EVD key messages to sensitize people of Butsili area, in Beni - North Kivu - WHO - Eugene Kabambi

WHO reaffirms commitment to Democratic Republic of the Congo as Ebola outbreak nears 1000 cases amid increased violence

TB sensitization

WHO engages over 12,000 community informants fast-track efforts in finding ‘missing TB cases’ in Nigeria

Community representatives come to visit a family in the outskirts of Beni to raise awareness about Ebola. / World Bank Group/ V.Tremeau

WHO reaffirms commitment to the Democratic Republic of the Congo as Ebola outbreak nears 1000 cases amid increased violence

Immunization experts agree on ways to reach more children with life-saving vaccines

Grace Hyeladi Durkwa talks to young children in their school about how they can protect themselves from cholera in Mubi North, Nigeria (Photo courtesy Grace Hyeladi Durkwa)

Women health champions going where little health prevention information has gone before them in North-East Nigeria