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Rahab (left) with colleagues at a Schistosomiasis training.

Over 2 million Nigerian children receive treatment against parasitic worms 

Mauritius Delegates at the afHEA Conference in Ghana, March 2019: Dr A. Samura, WHO Technical Officer, Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative, Dr (Mrs) Timol, Director Health Services, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Mr A. Nundoochan, WHO-NPO (Operations), Mr Y. Ramful, Lead Health Analyst, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and Dr F. Shaikh, WHO Technical Officer

Mauritius participating in 5th African Health Economics and Scientific conference in Ghana from 11th to 14th March 2019

Women leading House to house interventions

Nigerian women are penetrating enclaves to reach children and vulnerable populations.

Ethiopia labratory

Ethiopia is making significant progress in the implementation of International Health Regulation (IHR) core capacities: The country plans to launch the National Action Plan costed at over 368 million USD

The theme of the forum is: “Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security: The Africa We Want to See.”

The WHO Africa Health Forum to shape next steps in universal health care on the continent

Emergency supplies being received by the community leaders

WHO and partners in collaboration with the Ministry of Health investigate the suspected diarrheal diseases outbreak in Kuardeang, Fangak South

First-time donor Moses Alfons gives blood in Juba. WHO/ A. Câmpeanu

Building a blood supply in South Sudan means breaking down cultural and structural barriers

mother infant

Fewer maternal deaths and stillbirths in Ethiopia: improving quality of care is paying off