Featured news

Minister of Health and Social Services, Hon. Dr. Kalumbi Shangula

New Minister of Health recommits government to end Hepatitis E Outbreak

A practical guide to assist partners on WHO emergency health kits

WHO provides lifesaving health care services to displaced populations and host communities in 22 locations in South Sudan

Burkina Faso knows, it takes a prepared team to respond to outbreaks and other emergencies

Burkina Faso knows, it takes a prepared team to respond to outbreaks and other emergencies

Ministry of Health burial team assists to send the deceased off in a safe a dignified burial

WHO Obtains Laboratory results for Dead Man from DRC to assure Anxious people in Uganda

Dr. Boris Pavlin, WHO Epidemiologist  demonstrates the use of an EWARS mobile phone during the training

With support from WHO, the Ministry of Health to rollout Mobile Phone-Based Surveillance System to every health facility in South Sudan

Dr Moeti visits a pharmaceutical plant in Algeirs, Algeria

WHO reaffirms support to improve health and well-being of Algerians

Dr B. Ori, Director Health Services, Dr Hon. A. Husnoo, Minister of Health and Quality of Life, Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius and the Lord Major of the Municipal Council of Port Louis, Mr Daniel Eric Clive Laurent attending the official launching of activities in the context of the World Cancer Day 2019

WORLD CANCER DAY 2019: ‘I Am And I Will’. A Call for Personal Commitment And Action To Fight Cancer