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WHO and International Federation of Red Cross strengthen collaboration in Africa

WHO and International Federation of Red Cross strengthen collaboration in Africa

Eswatini National Malaria Programme manager chairing the meeting

Innovative implementation of Integrated Vector Management for disease prevention and control in the WHO Africa Region

New Ebola outbreak declared in Democratic Republic of the Congo

New Ebola outbreak declared in Democratic Republic of the Congo

The JEE team

Strengthening the implementation of International Health Regulations 2005 in the Kingdom of Eswatini

WHO supports six African countries conduct first joint health emergency operations exercise

WHO supports six African countries conduct first joint health emergency operations exercise

Largest cholera vaccine drive in history to target spike in outbreaks

Largest cholera vaccine drive in history to target spike in outbreaks

Vue partielle de l’Unité de virologie et de l'immunologie Moléculaires de l'Institut national de recherche biomédicale (INRB) de Kinshasa. OMS/Eugene Kabambi

New Ebola outbreak declared in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Left to Right (clockwise from top): Ms Segotso (UNFPA Asst Rep), Dr Seipone (DPS - MoHW), Dr Ovberedjo (WR Botswana), Dr Bodo (WHO Uganda), Dr Desta (WHO AFRO IST/ESA) and Dr Baltag (WHO HQ) during the debriefing session

Ministry of Health and Wellness holds a national stakeholders’ consultation on Quality Health Care Services for Adolescents and Youth