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 Nigeria's Vice President welcoming WHO Director General in his office at the Presidential Villa in Abuja

Nigeria’s Vice President believes the country should be an important focus for WHO

Nearly one billion people in Africa to be protected against yellow fever by 2026

Nearly one billion people in Africa to be protected against yellow fever by 2026

Dr Henry Mwebesa (left) and Dr Yonas (right in blue shirt) view a an ambulance that is used locally to transport patients to health centers in Luweero district

Uganda commemorates World Health Day 2018

Hon Dr Alfred Madigele, new Minister of Health and Wellness (left) receiving documents from Dr M Ovberedjo, WHO Representative

WHO Representative Meets the New Ministry of Health and Wellness Ministerial Team

The Honorable Minister of Health Honorable Atupele Muluzi, MP handed over bicylces, World TB Day T-Shirts and cloth to members of best performing Community Sputum Collection Centres in Salima

Malawi commends health workers’ efforts to End TB on World TB Day 2018

Umar Musami, Psychiatrist, Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital looking at medication for mental disorders in Bakass Camp in early March 2018

Healing the mental scars of violence in northeastern Nigeria

Let us END Tuberculosis

Let us END Tuberculosis