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Ebola outbreak

From the ground up: rebuilding health systems in the wake of Ebola

Testing samples in the specialized laboratory

CSM outbreak response-WHO facilitates upgrade of laboratory in Zamfara State


Dr. Custodia Das Dores Isaac Mandlhate Appointed As The Acting WHO Representative in Zambia

WR Kenya Dr Rudi Eggers receives a copy of the National guidelines for Tobacco Dependence Treatment & Cessation from Dr Patrick Amoth, MOH, while others look on

Kenya commemorates World No-Tobacco Day


Botswana Commemorates World No Tobacco Day


President of Uganda launches fast-track initiative on ending HIV & AIDS in Uganda by 2030

Dr Josephine Namboze, WHO Representative to Eritrea making remarks

Eritrea’s Journey from the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) to development of a five year National Action Plan for Health Security