Featured news

The oral cholera vaccines being ready to be dispatched to Leer Town

WHO secures oral cholera vaccines to slow down the spread of cholera in hard to reach areas of South Sudan


Immunization and child health experts meet to revitalize home-based health records

Essential medicines and supplies allocated to Jonglei being loaded onto a cargo plane

WHO and ECHO delivered essential medicines and supplies to the communities affected by the cholera outbreak in South Sudan

Dr Eniola Erinosho (2nd left) and some participants at the workshop in Lagos

Lagos State Unveils First Operational Plan for Viral Hepatitis

WHO Representative gives an interview on Addis Declaration on Immunization

Parents bring their children to get the polio vaccine

Polio campaigns launch to protect 1.5 million children in Sierra Leone


About 17 million people are affected by crisis in the Lake Chad Basin


WCO convenes CCS 2016-2020 Validation Workshop